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Torn Rose 2005-02-22 11:52 PM

NFL off season moves and News
Ok, I admit it, I'm having withdraws and I don’t care, I'm starting this thread.

“Bledsoe to replace Testaverde as starter”

I still say it's a mistake, but then they fucked themselves when they let Carter go so why not make it worse.

Has the game passed Tuna? His former assistant is better then Tuna ever was IMHO....

Torn Rose 2005-02-22 11:55 PM

This may be known as the year of the "Cap cuts", I saw a list of all stars that are all expected to be cut due to the cap, and it looked like the starting list of an all star team.

Titians are going to suffer the most, McNair will be the only one standing after it’s over.

Kinky 2005-02-23 02:31 AM

yeah I am having withdrawals too since the end of the Pro Bowl... the NFL is going the way of the NBA and MLB where every team is going to be really different every couple of years (the NBA is like one big pick up game nowdays) but it really doesn't matter though as Brett will come back, the Packers will decide to play all 11 guys on defense instead of just 5, and the Lombardi trophy will be right back where it belongs in Green Bay :D (and since I live here I gues I should say GO CARDINALS, just for shits and giggles, although a winning season would be nice every 10 years or so) and the Bills are gonna start Losman? gonna be a LONG season for GG |jester|

pornrex 2005-02-23 08:03 AM

The Titans are getting the long end of the shaft big time!
Who really cares about the Cowboys anyways?

Kinky 2005-02-23 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by pornrex
Who really cares about the Cowboys anyways?

everybody on "the back forty" and below the mason-dixon line (mostly republicans :D)

pornrex 2005-02-23 08:37 AM


nice one kinky... |thumb

Ramster 2005-02-23 08:41 AM

Letting Carter go was a HUGE mistake!!!! Bledsoe is a decent move as he is better than Testeverde at this point but ONLY if they have a rookie or draft pick they want to learn for a year or two then move into the starting position.

Kinky 2005-02-23 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by pornrex

nice one kinky... |thumb

well all the cowboys fans are looking for the bomb this season, the only thing wrong is that is is gonna be completed in IRAN :D

pornrex 2005-02-23 08:44 AM

Damn it Kinky, you are a roll today!

Kinky 2005-02-23 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by pornrex
Damn it Kinky, you are a roll today!

oh surely I jest though, spreading democracy thru THE BOMB is normal right?? i'm sure everybody in Afghanistan and Iraq can't wait until pre-season kickoff!!! (it's all the bud light talking, I'm usually a boring guy) I am way off topic now though, weren't we discussing how bad the bills are gonna be this year??? |jackinthe (damn where did all of my LOR traffic go?)

pornrex 2005-02-23 08:55 AM

Hey knocking the Bills...they're my 2nd favorite team... |thumb

Kinky 2005-02-23 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by pornrex
Hey knocking the Bills...they're my 2nd favorite team... |thumb

hey now I'm not knocking them, just pointing out that they are gonna suck this year :D (awwww come on don't get mad, GG bagged on Brett on the main page of LOR, and they are talking about shipping Travis Henry to my pitiful hometown AZ cardinals) LOL... actually as far as the AFC goes I do like the bills, I just don't think Losman is the answer to their future

cockNballs 2005-02-23 10:55 AM

I'm actually worried about My Patriots this year

2 coordinators gone, a few free agents and Tedy Bruschi is all done after having a stroke right after the pro bowl :-(

MLB was already an old postition for them with Bruschi being the youngest inside at 31

Torn Rose 2005-02-23 11:01 AM

How bad off is Bruschi? I haven’t seen that much news on him which is odd since he was a big part of that D and having a stroke at his age I would think ESPN would be all over it.

cockNballs 2005-02-23 11:16 AM

hes not too bad off personally

heres a little I could find on him

Torn Rose 2005-02-23 12:12 PM

Here are the current cap cuts, if the Titans win 3 games next year I will be amazed.

tjchuck 2005-02-23 12:22 PM

Pats should still be very competitive but those coordinators were big for Belicheck. The Bills will have a tough first half with Losman but I think he is a good QB overall, probably have the same kind of season as the last year.
And why did Bruschi have a stroke at his age?(steroids)
Tennesee is paying for all the good years but a good organization would have made changes while it was happening.
The Raiders signed Porter, and I thought they were going to go after Moss. Fuck Al Davis is the biggest dickhead owner in all pro sports.
August is soo far away.

pornrex 2005-02-23 01:38 PM

I can't believe Bruschi is done shocking|

Trev 2005-02-23 04:53 PM

The Browns got rid of Jeff Garcia. Not for salary cap reasons...... but, because he sucks dirty donkey dicks, and it's everybodies fault but his!!!

Torn Rose 2005-02-23 05:43 PM

Randy Moss a Raider?


tjchuck 2005-02-23 06:37 PM

I take that back about Davis (if he signs Moss). Moss's antics will fit in nicely with all the other me me me me players on the Raiders.
Now a running back and things are lookin up for the silver and black.

Torn Rose 2005-03-10 08:47 PM

We are going to be blessed with at least one more year of Bret Favre playing, and Dilfer gets a starting job at Cleveland.

Moss in Oakland and Edge and Alexander are on the trading block….

pornrex 2005-03-10 09:32 PM

It seems that Plaxico Burress got dissed by the NY Giants now. |dizzy| Dumb ass.

Oh well, it seems now he can catch Culpepper's looks that way. |shocking|


dareutwo 2005-03-10 10:30 PM

Moss is gone, great player, shitty attitude and should fit in well in Oakland.
Vikes did win without him.
We got a bunch more wankers to yell at on Sundays this week.
Good thing we're still only 24M under the cap and can't find a safety worth anything. :(
If Daunte could just play the first half by himself, stats show we'd have a chance :D

Pats will do fine again. It wasn't the coordinators, to Bill they are Plug and Play.

Vinny never really did anything after college did he?

Favre - a cheesehead even I respect.

Yell 2005-03-10 11:03 PM

Bills are going to be better then most people think they will. |boobies|

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