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amber438 2005-11-17 09:25 PM

HFS question
I have a few excel spreadsheets of hosted free sites based on the specs my script needs..royal pain in the ass it was also to do..
i want to mix em up a bit before I load em up but can't find any program that will do it I dont want all the same sponsor right after each other in the link list)
I can export this to a csv so what would do this?



MeatPounder 2005-11-17 09:28 PM

How do you want to "mix them up"?
Excel can sort under any field

Chop Smith 2005-11-18 01:56 AM

Been a long time since I worked with a spreadsheet app, but I think Excel has a ramdom function [probably rand()]. Consider setting up another column in your spreadsheet called random and use the function to generate random numbers and then sort the column.

Jel 2005-11-18 02:46 AM

Can't help with the spreadsheet, but blow me down with a feather, didn't realise you owned red hot galleries, I've been subbing my TGP pages there lately, thanks for the listings and the traffic |shake|

amber438 2005-11-18 07:45 AM

Your welcome Jel!
I'm really not a spreadsheet kinda gal but I'll play with it
I want to do more than sort. I want to make them all random so that when I put in a category, not all sponsor's HFS are one after another cause they will be listed like that in the link list..Thinking about it, maybe I should do it differently
Maybe I should take a little from here and there (different sponsors and cats) instead..

How do the rest of you list your HFS on your link lists? One by one by hand or mass import ( I have that feature so I wanted to use it)??

Surfn 2005-11-18 07:48 AM

I do a mass import then list them one at a time, as needed...usually ;)

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