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dareutwo 2006-11-15 10:40 AM

What's the point - another peeve
Not sure what some of you are thinking, but I'm getting sick of UNDERLINED TEXT not Linked to anything!
I'm sure your surfers love clicking on things that don't go any place too.
Yeah I simply Love this sponsor, and Wait, Check this out!. |loony|

I think you get the idea.

Fonz 2006-11-15 10:42 AM

I hear ya.. you actually made me want to click "Love this sponsor" :)

Cleo 2006-11-15 10:50 AM

I would give the correct answer but I'm too busy trying to click your underlines.

KG Gary 2006-11-15 10:56 AM

Damn that's annoying! I swear that some part of my brain thinks that the underlined text will become a link at some point! My eyes and mouse keep on drifting back to it expecting something!

Jel 2006-11-15 12:41 PM

Damn, things are getting hard now. Making a surfer hungry to find the 'right' link to click on is frowned upon also these days?

Jel 2006-11-15 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by KG Gary (Post 312547)
Damn that's annoying! I swear that some part of my brain thinks that the underlined text will become a link at some point! My eyes and mouse keep on drifting back to it expecting something!

Making Joe Surfer move that mouse like mad trying to find a clickable underlined piece of text.

And then clicking it.......

dareutwo 2006-11-15 01:10 PM

Pissing off excited Joe Surfer to the back button works wonders for conversions and bookmarkers!
Here's the documented proof from Google Stats

KG Gary 2006-11-15 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Jel (Post 312576)
Making Joe Surfer move that mouse like mad trying to find a clickable underlined piece of text.

And then clicking it.......

I'm still too new to the biz to be able to tell if an annoyed surfer is more or less likely to buy something, but surely pissing them off, even over something this small, isn't a good idea....or is it?

If unclickable underlined text was recommended by someone I trust then I'd be happy to try it out a few times, but it looks like I'd get my freesites declined at a few link lists for pissing off a reviewer or two.

MrYum 2006-11-15 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by dareutwo (Post 312577)
Pissing off excited Joe Surfer to the back button works wonders for conversions and bookmarkers!
Here's the documented proof from Google Stats

Absolutely true |thumb

The days of deceiving and jerking the surfer around are over, or at least on their way out...finally! SELL him a quality product he wants, and he'll buy without being jerked around.

alessandro 2006-11-15 02:53 PM

I associate underlined text with a link... always. So, underlying text just for fun or to piss someone off isn't going to last too long, at some point free site reviewers may start declining for that.

Useless 2006-11-15 03:11 PM

I underline unlinked text to draw a surfer's attention to certain words within a larger block of text which I KNOW most surfers wouldn't bother reading. Underlining wasn't invented by internet marketers and not all links are underlined - so there! |boobies|

Reviewers bitch about banners and they bitch about text. Soon, a free site will be 75 high resolution pics (or 10 minutes of video) and you'll be allowed a single ad spot only on the bottom each gallery page (certainly not BEFORE the content) - and the only permissable text will be THIS IS AN ADVERSTISEMENT.

To think that someone would underline text just to piss off the surfer is just plain idiotic. Underlining, bolding, italicizing, or using text of another color are all means of gaining the surfers attention. No wonder you all live in mobile homes and I live in a mansion.

plateman 2006-11-15 03:25 PM

I agree with useless unless there ad links and what idiot woul do that

Licker4U 2006-11-15 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Useless Warrior (Post 312615)
No wonder you all live in mobile homes and I live in a mansion.

No mobile home here! I have a wonderful cardboard box thank you |haha

Preacher 2006-11-15 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Useless Warrior (Post 312615)
...No wonder you all live in mobile homes and I live in a mansion.

|haha awesome!

I never link the sponsors 2257 page, yet I still underline it.

That's all I had to add. |loony|

Useless 2006-11-15 03:53 PM

I'm such an ass. :D

Karma just gave me a kick directly to the balls. The moment I posted my mini rant, I went back to my admin to discover that my server was suddenly unreachable and had to contact my host's support for a reboot. |goodnight

Jeremy 2006-11-15 06:03 PM

dare - not sure why but the links in your post don't work?????


biftek 2006-11-16 04:05 AM

while i do agree that underlined hasn't always been associated with a link but to draw attention to a word , but in this day and age where internet stuff as quicky caughts , times are a changing, where now even the most newest internet user has associted underlined with a link

MeatPounder 2006-11-16 04:21 AM

I honestly believe that proper use of underlined text does serve a purpose in marketing. Used properly it can be a strong tool in influencing the surfer. Web pages are a visual medium, and underlined text is a strong statement on par with bold text, and in some ways a stronger influence.
There is a reason that underlining web links became a norm. Is it as effective on a web page as in printed media...I think so. And as it was brought up it does draw the surfers attention.
But what do the search engines think about underlined text? I have heard say that it is indeed another way that robots recognize keyword emphasis.
That I am not sure about but it is mentioned a lot by presumed "experts" in the SEO field.
But again it is just another marketing tool in a visual sales has it's good point when properly used, and it's drawbacks when used carelesly

Jel 2006-11-18 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by MeatPounder (Post 312734) has it's good point when properly used, and it's drawbacks when used carelesly

Good point, I tend to forget there are people that probably use it over and over and over and...

Until I start reviewing for the day that is :D

zigx 2006-11-19 06:39 PM

LOL i tried to click the first phrase that was underlined w/o reading :X

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