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Greenguy 2007-09-13 07:07 AM

Good Thursday The 13th
Morning |waves|

I'm still working on my next stats run - with a little luck, I'll have it done for tomorrow so that everyone can print it out & read it on the shitter over the weekend |thumb

JackDaniel's 2007-09-13 07:12 AM

Good Morning Everyone |waves|

digifan 2007-09-13 07:13 AM

Good day.. and job :)

Simon 2007-09-13 07:19 AM

Good morning world |waves|

Those damn storms that form up and strengthen in the Gulf of Mexico can be a real problem. Wishing good luck to everyone getting pounded by Humberto today.

And wishing a good almost end of the week to all who want one.


Fonz 2007-09-13 07:30 AM

Morning all,

Again not much on the agenda today besides the usual crap.

Have a productive day all!

Toby 2007-09-13 07:41 AM

Mornin' y'all,

Humberto came ashore to the east of us instead of right up Galveston Bay as was the forecast yesterday evening. That means we are on the dry side of the storm, and the neighbors can quit working on their ark.

Got some errands to run today, should be far easier without flooded streets.

|coffee is on, help yourself...

Cleo 2007-09-13 07:51 AM

Not actually out of bed yet but kind of awake. Sometimes I wonder how good of an idea it is to have a bedroom laptop.

Ran out of movies to chop yesterday so until Foxy gives me the rest to do that I owe her I'm off to do other things. Maybe by the time she gives me more movies the ShuttleXpress will have arrived.

Storms seem to be all having their fun in the Gulf of Mexico. I'm still watching for any that may come this way. Funny how people around me are saying that we've been missed again this year when the water is still so warm. Christine even wanted to start using the fuel for the generator in our cars until I reminded her that we spent two Octobers with no power after hurricanes.

Doing the gym this morning and then just another day spent inside away from the heat making the porn.

lorsha 2007-09-13 07:55 AM

Relatives left this morning, so catch up time. Have a great day all. |waves|

FanTC 2007-09-13 07:57 AM

Good Morning!

Must be election season. The spam for politicians is starting in full force. Looks like Mississippi is staying red, cause I'll be damned if I vote for a Democrat spamming Jesus at me. Why don't these fuckers realize if I wanna find Jesus, I know where he's at... the roach end of this big ass hooter I'm tootin on.

Praise Jesus , Mary, and Holy Sheepshit!

Have a moderately nondenominational day!

Jim 2007-09-13 08:21 AM

A couple of busy days today and tomorrow. I'll be scarce.

MrMaryLou 2007-09-13 08:21 AM

Good Morning All :)

Ramster 2007-09-13 08:31 AM

Good Morning. I'll be here all day working away. Coffee is on.

terry 2007-09-13 08:41 AM

Happy Cold but Sunny Thursday Everyone!

Have a good one.

Tekster 2007-09-13 08:50 AM

Good Morning All!

Got nothing but some yard work and then back to the computer.

JustRobert 2007-09-13 09:34 AM

Good morning :)
Damn, I am out of shape. Finished chopping bushes yesterday and now I am sore. Looks like I will do some work and watch a movie today.

T Pat 2007-09-13 09:49 AM

Mornin All
Today will be the same as yesterday and probable no different than tomorrow.
Coffee should be done by now

docholly 2007-09-13 10:03 AM


Happy New Year to those celebrating today. (Rosh Hashanah, Ramadan, Coptic and Ethopian) When one has no life, keeping up on holidays becomes important. |bananna|

Not much today except adding some stuff to my store and massaging data in pre-San Diego prep work.

|waves| Have a good one.

bluebrit 2007-09-13 10:53 AM

Good morning all. Were giving the garden a good seeing too today so not much fun but plenty of fresh air is on the cards.

LeRoy 2007-09-13 11:44 AM

Good morning all. Lots of work to do today. Hope everyone has a good day in sales.

MrYum 2007-09-13 02:50 PM

Good afternoon everyone |waves|

Crazy busy day here...and it's got a loooong way to go!

bDok 2007-09-13 07:32 PM

Afternoon all. Did some submitting actually today and spent more time putting together affiliate tools for the launch of the network of sites i'm putting together with some people.

For lunch visited the mac store and got some new head phones for my iPod as I'm training right now for a half marathon and the ones that game with the iPod just suck and don't stay in my ears when I'm running. Also saw balls of fury and that one is for sure something to catch on video. (imho)

Other than that I'll be later tonight working on clearing room for a new bed that's coming tomorrow that I got being delivered and watching the angel game and coding. :)

Have a great Thursday everyone.


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