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Jim 2008-08-11 04:59 AM

Good Monday Morning :)
Good Morning
Well, my daughter and grandchildren will be leaving in about 5 hours. I love them with all my heart but this is the 4th weekend they have been here. :) Not that I am saying there is anything wrong with that but...

Fonz 2008-08-11 05:12 AM

Good morning,

Man do I feel lousy today :)
Going to spend the day behind the computer and sling some porn around. There's not much else on the agenda.

Have a nice day all.

JackDaniel's 2008-08-11 05:33 AM

Good Morning Everyone |waves|

digifan 2008-08-11 05:41 AM

Good morning!
Nice to see you posting Jim :)

lorsha 2008-08-11 06:32 AM

Good morning everyone. |waves|

T Pat 2008-08-11 06:39 AM

Mornin All
Not sure of what is on today's agenda
Coffee's On

FanTC 2008-08-11 07:07 AM

Good Morning,

3rd pot of wakethefuckup goin' in my gut as water falls out of the sky. No beach today, but sausage, eggs, biscuits, gravy and grits are on the way shortly then it's all systems go.

Today's my daddy's birthday. Here's hoping a meteor falls out of the sky and lands on that son of a bitch!

Cleo 2008-08-11 07:48 AM

Hi Jim |waves|

Another hot and wet start of the day here.

Never made it out of my house yesterday so at the top of today's agenda is to actually make it out of the house, go to the gym, and take care of some errands.


Simon 2008-08-11 08:13 AM

Good morning world |waves|

The rain is making my decision for me this morning. I'd get soaked trying to go to the bank on my bicycle, and the top is down on the Jeep so that won't work either. So it looks like it'll be an indoor day, filling up databases and testing scripts.

Wishing everyone a good day.


terry 2008-08-11 08:40 AM

Good Morning and Happy Monday Everyone!

Guess what? Thats right, more rain today.

Stay dry and have a good one.

Useless 2008-08-11 08:46 AM

I've got a dental cleaning at 9:30 and I still need to shave so that the evil, yet attractive, Russian hygienist who I usually get won't have to run her latex gloves along my sandpaper face. Yup, it's another half hour of me convincing her that I floss more often than I really do and her convincing me that I'm going to die. (She's a little severe.)

Have a wonderful rainy day. I know I will.

ArtWilliams 2008-08-11 08:55 AM

Useless's day always seems more interesting than mine. Good morning everyone. Have a great day!

Ramster 2008-08-11 09:04 AM

Good Morning.

Back home from Italy yesterday and all went well. Glad to be home after 2 weeks of living in hotels out of a suitcase. Lots and lots of work to do.

Greenguy 2008-08-11 09:05 AM

Good Monday Peoples |waves|

Nothing beats starting off your day watching a Men's Field Hockey Game between Canada & Australia while commenting on the action with Murray on ICQ |thumb

I have some reviewing to do & then I'll be heading down to The Pool House for more HD Olympic events that I'll never watch again while I finish cleaning & preparing for this weekend's big festivities.

MrMaryLou 2008-08-11 09:22 AM

Good Morning All :) My wife is in the hospital with a kidney infection and kidney stones :( so I will be a bit scarce.

Licker4U 2008-08-11 09:26 AM

Wanted to get some soft shell crabs and hopefully hit on a jubilee last night but by the time low tide rolled around I was drunk. Maybe tonight if the clouds go away...

edit: damn MML, hope all goes well.

redraven 2008-08-11 09:32 AM

Morning everyone

Twiceshy 2008-08-11 09:48 AM

Morning , after i wake up a bit more going to try get some work done . Coffee is on and breakfast is in the fridge still * grins* .

RB 2008-08-11 09:56 AM

Good Morning !!!

docholly 2008-08-11 10:08 AM

We're off to downtown today.. taking the Dawg on a tour of the stock exchange and then to peep at the big hole where the WTC used to be. My apartment has/had a view all the way to the WTC (on a clear day in NYC) and now it just looks empty. I slept really well last night with the firetrucks/police and other sounds of the city floating by my window.

We ended up spending more time @ Columbia that I expected, not that THEY sent an invitation letter but it's a great campus and I wanted him to see St. Luke's where he was born and St. John the Divine where he got the keys to "heaven" from.

I finally filled up the card on my camera so once i'm stable in Buffalo, I'll be uploading pics from the cross country train etc.

My friend Neal gave me a pic yesterday of us that was taken when I had my afro back in the 1970's sometime. The Dawg can't stop staring at it. I'll have to scan it when I get home.

MML: Hope all is well and she gets a quick recovery. (((BIG ASS HUGS))))

|waves| have a good one..I'm off to Popovers.

Tekster 2008-08-11 10:18 AM

Good Morning.

Nothing much planed for today, so I will go with the flow.

Useless 2008-08-11 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by MrMaryLou (Post 414433)
My wife is in the hospital with a kidney infection and kidney stones :( so I will be a bit scarce.

Give her a hug from me, MML. :(

I'm back from the dentist. There really is nothing like your first cup of coffee after a cleaning. You feel like you're erasing all of their hard work. I didn't get my usual Russian babe, so some mumbler got the pleasure of fist fucking my face and making my gums bleed. Every time I go, they ask me how my teeth are feeling and I tell them that I'd rather have dentures.

Holly - what are these trains you speak of? I've seen their tracks, yet the giant iron beasts which left them are never there. ;)

annie_cash 2008-08-11 10:46 AM

Morning everyone,

My boyfriend who plays in a rock band is going to tour Brazil for 15 days. He leaves tonight and I'm gonna stay all alone at home. I know I should be 100% happy for him but the truth is I'm not, I hate every time he leaves and I know I will over-sensitive for the next 15 days. I'd better start working to keep my mind busy.

LeRoy 2008-08-11 10:47 AM

Good morning everyone. More building and stuff like that. hope everyone has a good day :)

Give her a hug for me too MML :)


Originally Posted by MrMaryLou (Post 414433)
Good Morning All :) My wife is in the hospital with a kidney infection and kidney stones :( so I will be a bit scarce.

JustRobert 2008-08-11 10:59 AM

Good Morning :)
Need to do a bunch of work after taking the weekend off.

Take care of your lovely wife and let her know that Kim and I are sending hugs to both of you.

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