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WildChyld 2008-09-09 04:55 PM

AFF (A possibly productive thread)
Hey Everyone!
Long time no see.

Believe it or not AFF just hired me (as of this Monday) to start working on their affiliate program.

Anyone who remembers me from my personal site knows that I am EXTREMELY dedicated to fair, clean programs.

What would be super helpful to me is if I could get constructive feedback and suggestions on what would help make the program work well for you.

What didn't work before?
What keeps you away?
What would you like to see changed/added?
What would bring you back/ Get you involved?

I especially would love to hear from Greenie (I miss you! Say hi to the Marylous!)

My friendfinder contact info is:
email is
yahoo ffwildchyld
ICQ 437644867
Anyone who doesn't want to post here is more than welcome to email me there as well.

justbondage 2008-09-09 05:06 PM

Doesn't seem to be a lot of love for the AFF company on this forum.

Greenguy 2008-09-09 05:09 PM

HEY! I know you |waves|


Originally Posted by WildChyld (Post 419609)
...Anyone who remembers me from my personal site knows that I am EXTREMELY dedicated to fair, clean programs...

So why are you working for them?

Seriously - and not to bash you & if we were face to face I'd ask the same question.

Did you not know about the problems? Do any searches on webmaster boards?

The problem that sticks in my mind is Zango. I give Lars credit for not telling lies about it, but when you admit to using it & endorsing it and then, when he did pull the accounts, he told everyone that he only did it because it was no longer profitable - not ONCE acknowledging that Zango allows people to steal traffic from legit webmasters like you and me.

There's more - hell, I tried to sign up years ago & emailed support & I'm still waiting for an answer to what I thought was a simple problem.

Love ya :)

Useless 2008-09-09 05:18 PM

Let's not forget about how AFF doesn't mind profiting from the ILLEGAL tube sites.

Not only will I not promote AFF, I will not accept any gallery, free site, or blog which promotes AFF.

MrMaryLou 2008-09-09 05:29 PM

Hello from the Lou's WildChyld :)

WildChyld 2008-09-09 05:33 PM

I'm asking on this forum especially because I know you guys will tell me exactly what the major problems are and I trust you all :)

Sometimes being in the building can help make a difference, sometimes not.

If I find that I can't fix any of the problems here I won't stay here.
I think you know me better than that :)

Warrior - so harsh!!!! Still love ya though

Useless 2008-09-09 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by WildChyld (Post 419632)
Warrior - so harsh!!!!

If that seemed harsh, I apologize. I wasn't trying to imply any type of hostility.

Greenguy 2008-09-09 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by WildChyld (Post 419632)
...Warrior - so harsh!!!! Still love ya though

That was not even close to harsh. That was simply a truthful statement.

I don't think you can fully grasp how much hatred we have for AFF. I personally don't promote anything associated with it -, Penthouse, etc - Lars is too greedy.

Toby 2008-09-09 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Useless Warrior (Post 419624)
Not only will I not promote AFF, I will not accept any gallery, free site, or blog which promotes AFF.

Ditto for all of my TGPs.

WilyChyld, I understand that you're trying to make a difference. But in regards to AFF, at least for most of us here, that ship has long ago sailed.

WildChyld 2008-09-09 06:16 PM

I was teasing warrior ;)

I'm still going to try to see what I can do here.
If anyone has an extra 100k burning a hole in their pocket and they'd rather me work for them instead of the enemy I'm always up for suggestions :P

I have to work mainstream for a while so that I can afford to start my sex ed nonprofit!

Jim 2008-09-09 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by WildChyld (Post 419641)
I was teasing warrior ;)

I'm still going to try to see what I can do here.
If anyone has an extra K burning a hole in their pocket and they'd rather me work for them instead of the enemy I'm always up for suggestions :P

I have to work mainstream for a while so that I can afford to start my sex ed nonprofit!

You have to know what all the problems are. If you really believe you can change how they do business, you should probably quit right now.

I searched google really quick to get the particulars on the newest lawsuit and I couldn't find it among the ripoffreports and other lawsuits.

WildChyld 2008-09-09 07:16 PM


Thus far I've found that there are some things that are true complaints and others that don't seem to be as accurate.

If I immediately dismissed every company that people talk badly about I'd never work anywhere.

Most recently I was at where I really did think I would be able to make a difference and was doing some great advocacy work...that was until they got bought out and everything changed.

LeRoy 2008-09-09 07:53 PM

This thread needs me to be real.

Greenie can I have a hall pass to be frank?

Preacher 2008-09-09 08:37 PM

Epic Cash doesn't like AFF either


“It is the equivalent of Burger King setting up shop inside a McDonald’s and selling Whoppers to anyone asking for a Big Mac,” Kaufman added. “That we are dealing with virtual, rather than brick-and-mortar storefronts, does not change the fact that these deceptive and unfair practices are unacceptable. I expect the court to agree.”
There's a lot going on at Penthouse and I know how they are trying to re-brand their web-presence, they are just doing it totally the wrong way by purchasing a network of infected surfers. |club|

But hey, if you can spin it positive for them for $100k, all the best to you. It won't change the current attitudes of ethical webmasters though.

Pagan 2008-09-09 09:01 PM

Look, you had a great product in the early years that had a lot of free features for your visitors. Webmasters could send visitors there knowing the experience would be good for everyone involved. Happy surfers spend more money on both sites. When you start cheating webmasters, they start pulling ads, then the rumors start, and surfers begin to get wary.

Problem really is AFF/Zango has screwed the very population it relys on, and I don't think there really is any going back. Will I actively promote them again? Nope. Casually, on some sites, maybe, but not actively and if I do it is only because it is still decent on the free level. I do think the Silver/Gold is overpriced and isn't really sticky enough. What can you do to win me back? Strip the crap, play by the rules, and develop a track record for playing fair. Can you do it? Doubt it, though I do applaud you for trying.

WildChyld 2008-09-10 03:25 AM

You do know that they don't work with Zango anymore right.
That was one of the first things I asked about when they contacted me :)

I've only been in their building for 3 days.
Give me a little while to look around before I take sides on what's a lost cause.

Thus far I haven't seen any shenanigans with the current staff.
Trust me, if I DO see it, I'll be out of there in a heartbeat.

Simon 2008-09-10 07:40 AM

Hiya WildChyld |waves|

I know it's not easy finding all of the many threads where AFF has been trashed on this board since you can't search for strings of less than four characters. But here are just a couple of threads you may want to check out if you haven't found these already. There were various questions, complaints, etc raised that were never addressed by anyone from AFF.


Greenguy 2008-09-10 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by D2222 (Post 419668)
This thread needs me to be real.

Greenie can I have a hall pass to be frank?

Why would I care what you post?


Originally Posted by WildChyld (Post 419708)
You do know that they don't work with Zango anymore right...

We know that, but the reason they stopped working with them, which was that it was no longer cost effective, is what pisses everyone off. They'd still work with them if they were making money. They could care less that Zango STEALS signups from legit webmasters.

I'm also wondering what you think you're going to see at the office? A secret door to a room that contains a "shave" machine? People shredding file cabinet's worth of documents the day before a trial? A datacenter where people look for tube sites that have 2 hours movies and fusker domains that hotlink pics so that they can buy ads?

LeRoy 2008-09-10 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Greenie (Post 419752)
Why would I care what you post?

Because for the longest time we all promoted AFF through Smut Gremlins. BTW this post hurts me on a personal level.

When newbies come in here. We all bash em for even mentioning AFF. Meanwhile most of us are promoting Smut Gremlins. I found this board contradicting during that time because LOR linked to Smut Gremlins on the main page.

We all linked to her and no one said anything. I did some chats with UW, Tek and T-Pat about it and looks like word got around that I was talking shit maybe.

The banners are gone now but just recently they were removed.

Ok. Now lets look into this skimming issue a little deeper. Here's something to check into WildChyld.

I signed up @ AFF through Smut Gremlins about 2 weeks ago with user name "LeRoykiller"

Just for shit and giggles. Lets find out if she got credit or not.

Internal Tracking ID:

ponygirl 2008-09-10 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by D2222 (Post 419787)
Because for the longest time we all promoted AFF through Smut Gremlins. BTW this post hurts me on a personal level.

When newbies come in here. We all bash em for even mentioning AFF. Meanwhile most of us are promoting Smut Gremlins. I found this board contradicting during that time because LOR linked to Smut Gremlins on the main page.

We all linked to her and no one said anything. I did some chats with UW, Tek and T-Pat about it and looks like word got around that I was talking shit maybe.

The banners are gone now but just recently they were removed.

Ok. Now lets look into this skimming issue a little deeper. Here's something to check into WildChyld.

I signed up @ AFF through Smut Gremlins about 2 weeks ago with user name "LeRoykiller"

Just for shit and giggles. Lets find out if she got credit or not.

Internal Tracking ID:

well, not everyone actually banned AFF as a sponsor, people just didn't like the way they did business. If someone wants to advertise them, that's not really my concern, I'll do what I want based on my own thoughts. If you don't want to link to someone because of that, that's fine too.

If you have a problem with it, don't link or submit to the site in question.

Tekster 2008-09-10 11:53 AM

I have to agree with PG on this, not that like AFF but what anybody does on their own site is their business, I have my own sites with my own rules and if you don't like it well, there is a lot out there to chose from. :)

Second point I don't think the owner of Smut Gremlins ever came around to say anything about AFF and then promote them, at least not that I remember.

MHO - Not that I know anything.

hashbury 2008-09-10 11:58 AM

For everything greenie has to say about AFF its not banned a LOR. Some people have been promoting AFF for years and making good cash. If they didnt see a drop in sales when zango hit, Why would they stop promoting them. When I first came to this board, I was promoting AFF and making very good cash for a newbie. But I did find it rather hard to get link trades and make friends here while promoting them. So I stopped promoting them.
Just my measily 2 cents

Bobc01 2008-09-10 12:00 PM

I hate AFF with a passion, all the shit they're associated with like viruses, trojans and especially spam that they obviously know about but again, don't give a fuck.

As far as promoting on illegal tube sites, fling do the same and many webmasters on here promote those too.

For me it's upto an individual to promote who they like whether i like the sponsor or not, if they're making money and happy then it's upto them and nothing to do with me. :)

LeRoy 2008-09-10 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by ponygirl (Post 419806)
well, not everyone actually banned AFF as a sponsor, people just didn't like the way they did business. If someone wants to advertise them, that's not really my concern, I'll do what I want based on my own thoughts. If you don't want to link to someone because of that, that's fine too.

If you have a problem with it, don't link or submit to the site in question.

I didn't have a problem with it personally. I gladly submitted there regularly. and hopefully still can after this.

The problem I had was when newbies come here we bash em for mentioning AFF.

While one of the most respected members here flew the banners. It just seemed a little odd at the time.

Bringing this up now doesnt mean anything since the AFF banners are no longer on the site.

Tekster 2008-09-10 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by D2222 (Post 419813)
While one of the most respected members here flew the banners. It just seemed a little odd at the time.

But my point is that the respected member never said anything about AFF.

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