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LD 2008-10-24 11:56 AM

McCain-Obama dance off
This is pretty good!

Be sure and watch it till the end when Palin makes her entrance..:)

horndog 2008-10-25 10:35 AM

The only thing I can say about that video is that Obama and McCain should stick to politics because they sure as hell can’t dance. But oh shit neither can I.|dancinggu

RedCherry 2008-10-25 11:10 AM

I thought that was really well done to get all the various expressions from obama and mccain and photochop them (or however they did that) into that video. MadHatter showed me this last night, I laughed my ass off.

raymor 2008-10-27 10:18 PM

I can't wait to see how Obama dances when asked about
the newly released recording of the interview when he complained
that the government failed to "break free from the essential
contraints of the constitution", in order to accomplish
"redistribution of wealth". His full quote:


The Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution
of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic
justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people
try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn't that radical.
It didn't break free from the essential constraints that were
placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution
, at least as
it's been interpreted, and the Warren Court interpreted in the
same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative
liberties. Says what the states can't do to you. Says what the
federal government can't do to you, but doesn't say what the
federal government or state government must do on your behalf.

saucygirl 2008-10-29 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by LusciousDelight (Post 426271)
This is pretty good!

Be sure and watch it till the end when Palin makes her entrance..:)

I thought that was funny!

Useless 2008-10-29 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by raymor (Post 426636)
I can't wait to see how Obama dances when asked about
the newly released recording of the interview when he complained
that the government failed to "break free from the essential
contraints of the constitution", in order to accomplish
"redistribution of wealth". His full quote:

I'm sure that must sound scary if interpreted through the FOX News filter and you are being told what it means and what to think instead of sitting back and doing some critical thinking. Misinterpretation is a wonderful thing.

Obama did not "complain about", state, or even imply that the courts/government should have redistributed wealth. Hell, look at the quote which you bolded "It didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution" He referred to those constraints as essential.

Element115 2008-10-29 01:21 PM

Fair and balanced reporting misrepresenting the Democratic candidates comments? No way! That's like saying John McCain would redistribute the wealth by giving more money to the wealthiest people in America!

raymor 2008-10-29 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Useless Warrior (Post 426872)
Obama did not "complain about", state, or even imply that the courts/government should have redistributed wealth. Hell, look at the quote which you bolded "It didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution

He called it a "tragedy" that the court FAILED to "bring about redistributive
change". I could understand you agreeing with Obama, if you were
the type with socialist tendencies that would be fine. However, I'm not
sure why you're trying to say he doesn't want to "redistribute" your money
when he's said exactly that at least a dozen times. Since you're apparently
a TV watcher, I'm sure you've seen Obama say it many times, perhaps
most clearly when he said "I think when you spread the wealth around".
Agree with him or disagree, but it makes no sense to deny that's his
position when he so clearly says it is.


Originally Posted by Useless Warrior (Post 426872)
I'm sure that must sound scary if interpreted through the FOX News filter and you are being told what it means and what to think instead of sitting back and doing some critical thinking.

Actually instead of getting a four second sound bite from CNN or Fox
and letting them tell me what to think, I simply listened to Obama's interview.
Unlike Bush, Obama is a good speaker and he makes his meaning clear,
just as in Tennessee when he made it clear that he thought his bill
was unconstitutional but should be passed anyway so it would be on
the books for a few years before the court struck it down. The Koolaid
drinkers tried to play games and pretend he didn't mean what he said
then, too, but he makes his meaning quite clear when you listen
to him, his whole speech, rather than listening to CNN. I actually kind
of liked Obama until near the end of the primaries when he started
running radio ads in Texas. It was his own ads that made me realize
how damaging he will be. It was his radio ad that informed that that
he wanted to raise taxes on businesses and socialize health care.

Element115 2008-10-29 04:51 PM

I'm not sure you fully understand what socialized health care actually means. Socialized health care means the government takes over the health care system which is not even close to what Obama wants to do. As he's stated at least a million times now, they want to make health care more affordable to the average person, which it is not right now. You can still go and get health care from whoever you want. When he says he wants to provide the same quality of health care as members of congress receive, he is not saying that you will get treatment by the government.

As a former member of the military I find it funny that many of the people that bash Obama about "socializing health care" never seem have any issue with the fact that our military members are basically on a socialized health care system. Even if he were proposing socialized health care, which he is not, if it's so bad than why is it acceptable for the people who defend our country?

It's hard to say how Obama's tax plan will pan out. I'm not going to even speculate and the truth is no one really knows. If we've learned anything in the last few weeks it's that there are no experts on the economy. The other thing we've learned is that as the economy get's worse and worse, John McCain seems to look less and less capable of dealing with it. Economies are driven by confidence. How exactly does John McCain intend to instill confidence in the American people when he can't even portray that confidence in himself?

On top of it all, John McCain's campaign is about as fucked up as a screen door on a submarine. Hell, even Bush was competent enough to keep a campaign together.

LD 2008-10-29 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by raymor (Post 426886)
He called it a "tragedy" that the court FAILED to "bring about redistributive
change". I could understand you agreeing with Obama, if you were
the type with socialist tendencies that would be fine. However, I'm not
sure why you're trying to say he doesn't want to "redistribute" your money
when he's said exactly that at least a dozen times. Since you're apparently
a TV watcher, I'm sure you've seen Obama say it many times, perhaps
most clearly when he said "I think when you spread the wealth around".
Agree with him or disagree, but it makes no sense to deny that's his
position when he so clearly says it is.

Actually instead of getting a four second sound bite from CNN or Fox
and letting them tell me what to think, I simply listened to Obama's interview.
Unlike Bush, Obama is a good speaker and he makes his meaning clear,
just as in Tennessee when he made it clear that he thought his bill
was unconstitutional but should be passed anyway so it would be on
the books for a few years before the court struck it down. The Koolaid
drinkers tried to play games and pretend he didn't mean what he said
then, too, but he makes his meaning quite clear when you listen
to him, his whole speech, rather than listening to CNN. I actually kind
of liked Obama until near the end of the primaries when he started
running radio ads in Texas. It was his own ads that made me realize
how damaging he will be. It was his radio ad that informed that that
he wanted to raise taxes on businesses and socialize health care.

Spreading the wealth around can be done in a captialistic system. You don't have to be socialist to accomplish that. at any rate, the USA is trending toward socialism, which is a positive thing, imo.

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