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SheepGuy 2009-08-29 11:59 PM

Why would anyone sub to
It's now a tube site, with the free sites everyone has subbed in the past so completely buried that Joe Surfer has no prayer of ever finding them.

Ever feel like you've taken it up the arse from the Captain with no foreplay or warning whatsoever.

What a fucking |asshole|

Licker4U 2009-08-30 12:02 AM

If I, as a webmaster, can't find the free sites, Joe surfer sure can't. No more submits from me....

Cat. J. Sparrow, shame on you

MeatPounder 2009-08-30 12:32 AM


dif0r 2009-08-30 06:52 AM

That's just great

pc 2009-08-30 08:32 AM

And the trades with him year ago are gone too.

Remember that

Trades are gone.
Maybe he moved them as he moved freesites to a different page too.

CaptainJSparrow 2009-08-30 10:39 AM

Hi Guys, The trades are not gone. They're still on the pages in the exact same spot. I changed the content of the site for SEO purposes from LL on the main category pages to legal tube content. For now, I put the LL links on secondary pages....not too different from other LL's that put the links on a main category page then roll them to a secondary page. Google's Big Daddy killed all of the LL's, and I'm trying to get SE traffic back. I'm experimenting with different models. I may put LL content under the tube content at some point in the future.

I'll pop in here more later today or tomorrow for a big family reunion here to tend with.

Pagan 2009-08-30 12:19 PM

But, by doing that you are killing your chances of getting any new submits. If our sites are put on a backburner page that is difficult for anyone to find, why bother submitting them? Why not be different and mix them in together? Do a block of tubes then a block of site listings. Break up the monotony and let the surfer's eyes recover from the overdose of graphics. Or, do like some of the other guys and give the surfer a choice between tubes and sites. Your visitors have come to know Debauchery for its quality content - don't trash it out!

CaptainJSparrow 2009-08-30 06:31 PM

Pagan, that's not a bad idea and I'm actually trying that on some other sites.

SheepGuy, I'm a bit disappointed in you trying to start a witch hunt here. I'm trying to get alot of traffic to my site which is what everyone wants for their sites. Please read on for more info:

In June, Google re-valued old backlinks and Debauchery went up to right at 200,000 unique visitors per day from Google. With that kind of traffic, even links on a second page would get alot more traffic (traffic is what people submit to LL's for, right?) than what current model Link Lists can produce. Google got what info they wanted from their experiment that time, it lasted about 2 weeks, and de-valued those links again.

Since then, Google has tried at least 2 other experiments with de-valued backlinks that I know of. You probably noticed some threads by Plateman and Jay, that GG also commented on, regarding getting traffic like the old days, while those experiments were going on. IMHO LL's, and lots of folks on boards, got caught by Google linking for the purpose of improving their position in the serps. Lots of our sites fell because Google de-valued those links.

My job is to do whitehat SEO where everyone wins, Google gets good content, the surfer gets what they are looking for, I get a site with a lot of traffic, that traffic flows to make me and the webmasters that submit/trade with my sites money. That is what I am trying to do with the new layout.

Pclit, no trades are gone...they are in the exact same spots on each page. The layout of the page has changed a bit, however if you traded for PR there are currently less outgoing links on those pages and you are getting more PR, if you traded for traffic you should be getting about the same and if my SEO experiment works, then you come out like a bandit. When Debauchery went up to 200k per day, I had some folks that had traded with me on the thread that you mentioned, hit me up to tell me how well they were doing. Pclit, if you don't want your links there fine, I'll pull them, but for now they are still up and there is potential for them to do very well for you.

Bottom line, I'm not gonna put my head in a hole in the sand and hope everything goes back to the way that it was 3.5 years ago. I will try new things, experiment, hopefully find what works. I have not pulled anyones links. If your link on my site is now on page 2 of a category instead of page one, it's not that different from the LL's that have multiple category pages...only difference I have short, legal tube videos on page 1 now instead of links. There are LL's that created a 2nd, 3rd, and more category pages without asking the permission of the submitters.

I am trying to make positive changes that will create what everyone wants, more traffic from the search engines. Over the years, I have done my best to get traffic to my site and that has certainly benefited everyone that has submitted to it. Now, my site has fallen along with most of the other LL's out there, and I'm trying to get more SE traffic. I am not trying to screw anyone and if I am successful, then some of you will certainly win from my efforts.

Pagan 2009-08-30 10:06 PM

Your visitors are not search engines - they want to be able to find their porn in the fewest number of clicks and when they can't, they will go elsewhere. To find out that a lot of this is because of Google manipulating their formulas shows you the traffic is not real. Google is also not the only search engine out there, and your visitors certainly know it.

What is real is designing a site that is friendly to everyone, human AND bot. If you feel the best way is to slap a bunch of tube clips up, great - we do wish you luck. The point we were all trying to make is that just about all the visitors see are the tubes - not much else. I think you are shorting your visitors. What happens when they get burned out on tubes? Wouldn't it be cool if they could find your link list? And, what about your regular visitors that are on your site actually looking for the link list content? I bet they feel deceived because they can't find their favorite links anymore. Change is good... just don't leave your loyal following out in the cold.

SheepGuy 2009-08-31 01:27 AM

Well Jeeze Captain, sorry I disappointed you.
You buried my links, and everyone else's links who has ever subbed to you, including not just submissions, but trades, with no notice to anyone.

Aaaah, but it was all for your SEO.

Well fuck, that's OK then buddy, I'm sure it's all for the long term good of all of us sheep who believe that sort of drivel.

Useless 2009-08-31 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by CaptainJSparrow (Post 462784)
I am trying to make positive changes that will create what everyone wants, more traffic from the search engines. Over the years, I have done my best to get traffic to my site and that has certainly benefited everyone that has submitted to it. Now, my site has fallen along with most of the other LL's out there, and I'm trying to get more SE traffic. I am not trying to screw anyone and if I am successful, then some of you will certainly win from my efforts.

You know what the difference is between you and I, Captain? You're willing to discuss the issue, whereas I would have posted, "fuck you then, don't submit to me." :D

I'm certain that you understand the view of the submitter, and realize that after years of dealing with an unchanging (pronounced: dying) model, it's shocking to not see free site listings displayed prominently on a link list. I doubt anyone questions why you'd want to integrate tube content on your site and take advantage of what surfers truly want. They all just wish that you could have perhaps created a separate tube area, or found a way to display the vids and the free site listings side-by-side, not that that is an easy task.

I've been tweaking my site as well, and adding all types of more visually stimulating content in hopes of pleasing my visitors and decreasing my horrific bounce rate. Let's face it, today's surfer is highly impatient. When they do a search and land on your page, they want to see sucky-fucky in front of them immediately, or they're hitting the back button and going to the next site. And Google knows if surfers like your pages even if you aren't using Analytics.

It's a horrible time to be a link list owner, which makes it a shitty time to be a submitter. If I was amongst the dying breed of submitters today, I'd expect to see a lot more drastic changes on link lists in the near future. More and more sites will get frustrated with ever-decreasing traffic from SEs, tire of being confined by the bullshit policies of other link list owners, as well as the demands of the submitter.
Viva la Revolucion!

Here's a crazy idea: It might be good for submitters to occasionally click on their own recip tables to see what they get at the other end. |thumb

LD 2009-08-31 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by CaptainJSparrow (Post 462784)
I have not pulled anyones links. If your link on my site is now on page 2 of a category instead of page one, it's not that different from the LL's that have multiple category pages...only difference I have short, legal tube videos on page 1 now instead of links. There are LL's that created a 2nd, 3rd, and more category pages without asking the permission of the submitters.

I can't even find my listings. It's Monday and I'm tired as hell, but for what I'm seeing, they might as well not be there. I know several sites that do not put links on the main page, but they usually do not hide them as you appear to be doing.

I've submitted to you for quite sometime, and you've given me some great traffic which I do appreciate, and I've got some trades going which have worked well. I just can't find a good reason to continue submitting freesites to you.

CaptainJSparrow 2009-08-31 07:53 PM

SheepGuy, we could go on and on about this. Look, sorry you got upset. I didn't bury your links. I put some tube content at the top of the page, and moved the LL content from the bottom to a secondary page. Other than that, I haven't moved anything. Trades, both barter and otherwise, are exactly where they were before.

Luscious, I'm tired too, exhausted actually... I've appreciated your submissions, and everyone else's, over the years. I didn't hide the link to the LL content, there's a link on every page saying "More 'category name' Porn"...the amateur section has a link that says "More Amateur Porn", etc. That link is not too far below the tube content on each page. I can't ask you to continue submitting to my site...I just don't know what the future holds. If I can get that site doing really well again, and I can keep the LL as a good part of the site (which I'd really like) your submissions will always be welcome. I wouldn't be doing you, or anyone else, any favors by letting my site continue to dwindle away without trying hard to get it back into the top spots in the serps. I've been trying to get the LL back for over 3 years now to no avail. It was time to change the model somewhat.

Pagan, I plan on changing page layouts to see what works. As UW says, people want the tube content. Google is the only game in town right now. I have some top terms on Bing and it just doesn't send much. Google penalized LL's, I don't think that anyone will argue with that. I would like to get over that hump (penalty) and do some combination of tube/'s all trial and error at this point.

UW...amen. I've got the bounce rate, pages viewed, time on site all moving in a positive direction. Still trying to piece together this puzzle of what it takes to get back to good SE numbers.


Licker4U 2009-08-31 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by CaptainJSparrow (Post 462905)
I didn't hide the link to the LL content, there's a link on every page saying "More 'category name' Porn"...the amateur section has a link that says "More Amateur Porn", etc. That link is not too far below the tube content on each page...

I guess that's why my traffic from Debauchery has dwindled to almost nothing. I'm serious, I checked stats today and I have traffic from two catagories, and not much at that. Debauchery being #1 at Google for every search term imaginable doesn't do me any good if surfers can't find my free sites and I don't get any traffic. I hope your experimenting finds a way to to get Debauchery high in the serps and send the kind of traffic Debauchery is/was known for.

CaptainJSparrow 2009-09-01 10:29 AM

I'm working on it, Licker4U. With an "authority tag" having LL links on a page is good in lots of ways, one way is that that page places for all kinds of variations of terms in the LL descriptions. That said, google penalized LL's...I'm experimenting and trying to find ways around that, but first I need that google traffic.

Mr Spock 2009-09-01 10:43 AM

Sorry to hear that traffic is down CJS , I have always enjoyed Debauchery's traffic.

How does converting to a tube increase SE traffic , my understanding of the tube model is that surfers share content with their friends and link to it , thereby increasing there one way inbound links. Even if these links are crappy there are just so many of them that they end up carrying some authority.

And isn't the reason that Google seems to be penalising LLs , because of their reciprocal linking arrangements , this would affect TGPs as well. Am I missing something here?

Good luck with your plans |thumb

ArtWilliams 2009-09-01 11:39 AM

Soon legit tubes will be ruined as webmasters install traffic trading scripts to eek out every crumb of traffic. It will become one big circle jerk.

CaptainJSparrow 2009-09-01 11:56 AM

Hi Spock. As UW alluded to above, google knows what surfers like and dislike. They keep track of what links surfers click on, how long they stay on a site, what they look at on the site, and what they do afterwards. Bounce rate, time on site, number of pages viewed, are all critically important.

Google penalized LL's because of the recip linking schemes, but LL's also don't deliver on the relevant factors above...on a LL everytime a surfer clicks on a link, they bounce off of your site.

I don't claim to have all, or any, of the answers here and am certainly not even hinting that anyone needs to do a tube. I didn't like tgp's and wasn't too fond of tubes when they came out. I wish the LL model would have kept on forever, I really liked it.

That said, a good analogy (imho) if I've been racing regular horses and doing fine, and someone comes in with a better breed of horse that starts winning all of the races, at some point I have to think about getting myself one of those horses if I want to continue placing in the races.

Twiceshy 2009-09-01 07:16 PM

ok i have looked and looked im curious can CJS please post to me a link as to Just were everyones freesites and link trades are and show me a link as well from a cat page leading to said freesites ? say you havent burried them but hell if i can find them. No notice to your subbmitters about your changes to me was sneaky and just wrong .. Having a choice to continue submitting to your changed site would of been nice for those that do .. but then again thats just my opinion.Giving other webmasters who trusted you a heads up would of been great rather than them looking and feeling like they just took it in the ass dry.

CaptainJSparrow 2009-09-01 08:32 PM can't find links here: ? Just scroll to the bottom of the page. If that's too hard for you, try to search for this: "Other Free Porn Sites We Thought You'd Like:" on that page. If you still can't find them, they're on the same place on my page that your "Check Out These Fantastic Premium Sites" is on your If you still can't find them, sorry I just can't help you. Now, if you can't find a category and find a link that says something to the effect of "More Amateur Porn" (it's bolded by the way), then again...I'm sorry for you.

Man, to my knowledge you've never submitted a site, you can't even scroll to the bottom of a page to find links...which is where most folks put links, and you're jumping into this and expressing an opinion? Jeez!

Look, it's not my fault that LL's don't do well anymore with the search engines. For years my site sent really good traffic to the submitters. Over the past 13 years I've helped out lots of good webmasters...helped them with seo, link exchanges, hooked them up with good clients, hooked them up with other good webmasters, answered questions, gave links without getting links back just to help, and the list goes on.

Now, I'm really sorry that the resident shepherd got a bit upset, I really am. That doesn't change the fact that I'm going to optimize my site to the best of my ability. If, and or, when my site goes up (it started skyrocketing up again yesterday, I might add...hopefully it's not just another test) then I will be in a position again to help folks out. At that point, hell...nuff said. UW would've flipped you off already....but I've never said a bad word about anyone on any boards for the last 13 years and I won't start now.

As Paul Harvey used to say: "Good day."

plateman 2009-09-01 10:36 PM

MO on what was said here

what captain J did was kinda shitty, I wouldnt trade links with him again because what he did with his cat links, do I hate him NO he is like everyone else trying to stay ahead of the game

I do dislike people in this thread and will not do biz with them in the future - YES

licker4you thinks that just because he submits to CJS that he is required to keep sending traffic forever, just for submitting - LOL

people that have a 5 + years old LL have so many hours of work that most of the sales when they were good and had good se traffic for years would not even come close to pay off those hours it takes to have and grow a LL and the people who have those LL's 5 + years know

So IMO a LL owner can do whatever they want with there LL, because it's there site

the smart and right people know how valuable having a old LL is, and can be made to out rank the tubes in the serps

and I predict in the near future a lot of LL will go tube and start a piss war about trades and listings , google likes tubes and has all the traffic right now, and the big tubes want all the traffic including the SE traffic, cause it converts, so something gotta happen to have us guys stake a claim in the engines

I know from talking in private, of a real well known popular LL coming out with a tube hooked to it, there working on it now, and dont pm me asking who, cause they told me to keep it under my hat

MY LL ranked like hell for 2 solid weeks and went away with this last shuffle, that's the way it goes, the people who know SEO Know what a old LL with strong trades can do, I just hate the idea

IMO I dont like the tubes, IMO they put the finishing nails in the coffin of this biz, yeah its really sad, I used to build free sites and galls, no doorways and my FS tore up yahoo traffic, because I used every thing I could in seo of them, I remember almost always getting 1 or 2 sales just off a new listing on DD's site, me and a small handfull people for years had a pass to submit there, plus I always had a first page listing on kits site

it sure sad to see this model go

Twiceshy 2009-09-01 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by CaptainJSparrow (Post 463033) can't find links here: ? Just scroll to the bottom of the page. If that's too hard for you, try to search for this: "Other Free Porn Sites We Thought You'd Like:" on that page. If you still can't find them, they're on the same place on my page that your "Check Out These Fantastic Premium Sites" is on your If you still can't find them, sorry I just can't help you. Now, if you can't find a category and find a link that says something to the effect of "More Amateur Porn" (it's bolded by the way), then again...I'm sorry for you..

I asked a simple question. now your sorry for me ? what ever


Man, to my knowledge you've never submitted a site, you can't even scroll to the bottom of a page to find links...which is where most folks put links, and you're jumping into this and expressing an opinion? Jeez!
I never said i submited to you i expressed MY Opinion on the change not why you did it.... so your now telling me if i dont submit to your site i cant have an opinion about the thread ? to bad i have one and i will express it. I dont attack anyone personaly i just say what i think about the thread last i checked input from others good bad or whatever was always welcome.


Look, it's not my fault that LL's don't do well anymore with the search engines. For years my site sent really good traffic to the submitters. Over the past 13 years I've helped out lots of good webmasters...helped them with seo, link exchanges, hooked them up with good clients, hooked them up with other good webmasters, answered questions, gave links without getting links back just to help, and the list goes on..
I never said anything was your fault we all make changes to our sites as they are ours to do with as we wish i just thought it would of been nice to say add a small note on the submit page lettign your regular submitters know you were making some changes . Not that you have to just it would of been nice.


UW would've flipped you off already....but I've never said a bad word about anyone on any boards for the last 13 years and I won't start now.As Paul Harvey used to say: "Good day."
You dont even know me You seem to have some anger there. like i stated above i expressed an OPINION.

CaptainJSparrow 2009-09-01 11:54 PM

No anger man...just a bit tired and a feeble attempt at wit with a bit of sarcasm thrown in with no ill intent.

Licker4U 2009-09-04 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by plateman (Post 463040)
licker4you thinks that just because he submits to CJS that he is required to keep sending traffic forever, just for submitting - LOL

Yes, if I submit somewhere, anywhere, they ARE required to send traffic...forever.

(psssst...that's the reason for the recip links on free sites |whisper|. I send traffic, I GET traffic)

plateman 2009-09-04 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Licker4U (Post 463303)
Yes, if I submit somewhere, anywhere, they ARE required to send traffic...forever.

(psssst...that's the reason for the recip links on free sites |whisper|. I send traffic, I GET traffic)

I think your fucked on that and proving you different would be a waste of time, we could piss match, for what?

you think what you want and I'll think the way I want, and I bet more would agree with me

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