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ArtWilliams 2012-12-26 08:49 AM

Happy Boxing Day! 2012.12.26 ...
Good morning.

I am sitting here wondering if I should do some shopping today. I want a new set of golf clubs but I am pondering what crowd tolerance I have to save a few bucks. Christmas was great. Ther turkey was the right size which means I will be eating left overs for just a couple of days and not all of January.

Today, I think I will work on moving my server which never got done earlier this week.

Have a great day! |thumb

cthulhu_waves 2012-12-26 09:10 AM

Cleo 2012-12-26 09:18 AM

Do we have to find someone to box with or can this be a solo activity?

How about just putting stuff in boxes? Does that count as boxing?

Had a less than wonderful day at the in-laws yesterday. The brother was wasted and being a jerk. The dad is becoming senile and keep on wondering who the strangers were in the house and getting angry that their were people in his house that he didn't know. The mom was so tense with drama that she looked like she was going to have a melt down. So glad it's over for another year.

Work, laundry, more work and then try to have a relaxing evening is today's plans so far.

Greenguy 2012-12-26 10:03 AM

Morning |waves|

I honor of today's Canadian Holiday, I'll be trying to get into The Bitch's box this afternoon :D

Well, Xmas is over. Had the entire family over yesterday along with a lot of the childhood friends of my passed step-sons, which made my wife extremely happy :)

Working now, but I have an appt with my |crazy| doctor in about 2 hours & then we're going to go see Django Unchained at 3:00 |bananna|

Have a spiffy one |fonz|

Fonz 2012-12-26 12:11 PM

Good evening,

Just had a little Xmas afternoon with the parents in law and the brother in law that lives in NYC during the year, they're out of the door now so we're heading to my mother's to have another Xmas dinner, only 2 to go after that :)

Have good boxing day |fonz|

JustRobert 2012-12-26 12:36 PM

Good Day :)
Xmas was a nice day with the kids and grandkid, more the grandkid than anything else!

Not 1 single sale yesterday, seriously this is the first time that has ever happened on xmas day in 10+ years |banghead|

Now to do a bunch of work in hopes that sales start flowing again over the next week and eat left over BBQ :D

bDok 2012-12-26 05:07 PM

Afternoon. Had a hell of a xmas day. A lot of bullshit. Grandparents that are just so old that they have care takers and another set that can't leave. Blah blah. I'm glad it's over. Had such a better time in phx with my lady's cousins. Should have just stayed there and just been removed from the drama. Next year this will be the plan. That or to just run off to Hawaii or something.

Anyway, now it's just copying some data as a drive on one of my raid's went dead and they want the whole unit with the drives back. Whatever. It's free so that's cool.

Tonight going to see a movie I think. Tomorrow going to try to get a lot of things done and then Friday threw the new year just relax.

Time to go make a couple more phone calls about things.

Greenguy 2012-12-26 07:20 PM

Django Unchained was VERY good but also VERY looooooooooong - 3 hours!

mOrrI 2012-12-26 07:59 PM

Ahhhh Xmas....

The best part was seeing my daughter happy opening the presents...

now it's back to the same stuff.... :D

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