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Greenguy 2017-04-10 08:32 AM

Monday April 10th (aka The Funk Returns)
Morning! |waves|

Spent yesterday in a major funk - I think I slept more than I was awake.

I do have to do some running around today, so hopefully that snaps me out of it...

jollyhumper 2017-04-10 08:34 AM

Monday April 10th (Reinstall Bonanza)

I dare myself to open yet another thread

It's Beautiful day outside, but windy. Had a long nice stroll already

When my rig broke down I had to put in a new motherboard.
Hence, Win10 refuses to activate since the DIgital ID is way off now.
Without a phone I haven't been able to contact them until today.

I have to reinstall the whole shit!!!! Argh

Apparently my Image won't work either, so I have to do it from scratch.

Don't even ask me about my mood.

But I hope the rest of you will have a splendid day !


Pagan 2017-04-10 10:30 AM

Quit sending it my way, okay? I don't want it, I don't need it. I have funk of my own ya know.

jollyhumper 2017-04-10 11:32 AM

Keeping the Funk on an arm-length distance. (Is that a way to say it?)
Funk sucks, best wishes.

(Relatively hazzle-free reinstall, now all the software needs to go in...)


ecchi 2017-04-10 01:46 PM

Yesterday I posted about how ClitPass hates me and is calling me an idiot (here). Today I realise it may have a point. The fault in the script that was refusing to give full details of all my posts only actually showed if someone posted that the gallery was pictures, but then stated how many videos were in the post!

In other words, my posts were screwed up because I not only screwed up the script, I also screwed up the post! So maybee ClitPass is right when it keeps calling me an idiot!


MeatPounder 2017-04-10 07:19 PM

Here you go boys and girls

JAI-LING 2017-04-11 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by MeatPounder (Post 546088)
Here you go boys and girls

MeatPounder layin down the funk!!! That track makes any day a good day! Thank you.

Pagan 2017-04-11 02:53 AM

Hmmmm... I am more in a Viikate mood. The overtones of sadness, haunting melody. Hmmm.. I guess nobody knows them here.

jollyhumper 2017-04-11 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Pagan (Post 546090)
. I guess nobody knows them here.

I didn't until know. Sounds great! Will check out more.

and while we're at sharing all those funky things, this is my favorite band (by far). I mean, I think Tattoo's are stupid (no offense).
Unless they mean something.
I have this bands logo around my left biceps.
I could die for these guys.
Norwegians. ofcourse, (often called Norways best kept secret, abroad)


Pagan 2017-04-11 05:12 AM

Nice, and .. dreamy.. melodic. I can get along with them, Norwegian or not. Music is music. It has no borders really.

ecchi 2017-04-11 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by MeatPounder (Post 546088)
Here you go boys and girls

YouTube is racist. I is getting nothing, just seeing a big blank space in the post. And I'm guessing it is because I is English and that video is not allowed to the English. I think I is gonna take YouTube to the European Court Of Human Rights! :)


jollyhumper 2017-04-11 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by ecchi (Post 546094)
YouTube is racist. I is getting nothing, just seeing a big blank space in the post.

Blame Brexit. I'm european too and I can see it.
But your problem occured to me when I tried to get a inline video in my post, So I just added the link....

blame Brexit. I mean, when a dude with that haircut is against something, get the point :)


ecchi 2017-04-11 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by jollyhumper (Post 546095)
blame Brexit. I mean, when a dude wih that haircut is against something, get the point :)

Actually, for once the nylon haired idiot got it right. Brexit will be the death of Britain. :( Hincapie saw the future years before, and fucked off out of Britain to a different European country. He advised me to do the same, I should have listened. :( :( :( :( :(

More :( :( :( :( :(

:( :( :( :( :(

MeatPounder 2017-04-12 01:27 AM

Actually jollyhumper it is most likely our brit has ancient windows software :P

ecchi 2017-04-12 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by MeatPounder (Post 546112)
Actually jollyhumper it is most likely our brit has ancient windows software :P

My "ancient windows software" copes fine with videos thank you. Sadly I cannot say the same for my "modern Apple software". I tried to watch a video on my 'phone the other day and got a message saying "Iphone and Ipad are unable to play this movie, please try watching it on your PC or laptop" (Flash has only been around since 1996 and Apple equipment still cannot cope with it!)

Pagan 2017-04-12 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by MeatPounder (Post 546112)
Actually jollyhumper it is most likely our brit has ancient windows software :P

Or the video isn't cleared for viewing in the UK. Jolly is in Norway, I am in Finland. We can both see it just fine. Of course the US can see it. I blame it on Brexit.

jollyhumper 2017-04-12 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by ecchi (Post 546114)
(Flash has only been around since 1996 and Apple equipment still cannot cope with it!)

Isn't it that Apple won't accept Flash? Jobs said years ago that they wouldn't support it. Now this is a long time ago and they might have changed policy after I read that, but I believed it was so.

I can't play Flash on my Android laptop. It refuses to install the player because they do not support it.
I think Flash has lost


ecchi 2017-04-12 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by jollyhumper (Post 546117)
Isn't it that Apple won't accept Flash? I think Flash has lost

Yes, you are correct, Apple don't support Flash, but you are wrong when you say "Flash has lost", it is Apple who lost. I have heard from plenty of people who have avoided Apple products because they use Flash, Jobs has cost Apple shareholders millions, possibly billions because of his petty squabble with Adobe.

jollyhumper 2017-04-12 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by ecchi (Post 546124)
Yes, you are correct, Apple don't support Flash, but you are wrong when you say "Flash has lost", it is Apple who lost. I have heard from plenty of people who have avoided Apple products because they use Flash, Jobs has cost Apple shareholders millions, possibly billions because of his petty squabble with Adobe.

I totally agree and Apple only can't take down Flash.
It's still widely used and I've been into Flash for almost twenty years now.
I just can't help noticing that Browsers and Smart-stuff seems to hate Flash. The downside of Flash is the constant updating. Almost as annoying as Java now and then.
I think Flash Developer took the wrong turn way back when they decided Flash was supposed to handle everything, not just be a great game/web/multimedia program as it was.


ecchi 2017-04-13 04:43 AM

Last night I got an email from a new sponsor. It was the usual "We are great, our product really sells well, and our promo tools are the best in the world" type email. The thing they were proudest about was their "new flash adverts"!

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