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sarettah 2017-11-03 01:16 AM

Sad day for the biz. Nickatilynx Passed away
It is a sad day, Nickatilynx passed away yesterday from a heart attack.

Nick (Jon actually) was fairly well known in the biz and will be missed.

I did a post in the thread at the zoo about him and I will repeat it here:

Nickatilynx - My friend. You will be dearly missed.

You took mailing and traffic to new heights. I still remember the night you blew up all the log processing at ODC because we were not prepared for any site to get over a million hits in one day.

Condomproject, N*et*Pond, Oprano - None would have been the same without you.

"you wanna test a friendship? Lend the guy $100 , if he crosses the road whenever he sees you , it was a cheap way to rid yourself of a cunt of an acquaintance."
- Nickatilynx

"Serge without a board is like a pencil without lead...pointless ;))"
- Nickatilynx

"As pornographers we must act responsibly! ;))"
- Nickatilynx

Let me know if there are any penguins in heaven, if there are, save some for me.


Greenguy 2017-11-03 05:49 AM

OMFG!!!! This hurts |cry|

I was "with" CONDOM & Netpond when Nick acquired it and I always thought he was a great fucking guy (despite all the rumors as to what really happened with all that). From hanging out with him at conventions to him hosting all of us at his house after he took over, I just loved being around him. We kinda fell out of contact after all that ended, but we tried to keep in contact here & there over the last few years.

I will miss you, my Father Satan |bow||devil|

Greenguy 2017-11-03 06:04 AM

Ramster 2017-11-03 08:13 AM

Yes this is terrible news. I never met him I don't think but I am at another spot he was posting at and he seemed like a good guy. RIP and condolences to his wife, kids and family :(

Jel 2017-11-03 09:25 AM

really sad news... great guy, we hit it off and shared the same humour, and he helped me with a ton of stuff. Had the most gigantic fucking teapot I have ever seen, which we demolished the contents of while going through about 2 packs of cigs each one morning/afternoon!

Was meant to visit him at his new place this past summer but we couldn't get to it, very gutted now over that. Pleasure to know the bloke, and will miss him for sure.

Actually meant to skype him over the weekend as we were due for a catch up, so a pretty big shock to hear the news yesterday.

RIP mate.

the New Shemp 2017-11-06 02:53 AM

i will remember him for his wit and his hospitality, top notch ...

Jel 2017-11-08 03:15 PM

his funeral is around 45 mins from the time of this post, if anyone would like to raise a glass/mug of whatever their poison is to him :)

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