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Greenguy 2018-02-18 04:37 AM

Sunday February 18th (aka Why Am I Awake?)
Morning! |waves|

Up early so I can get some work done before The Bitch gets up & we have to finish getting the house ready for the Open House today. I felt bad for her having to paint when she got home from work & then start cleaning the house, so I did the hallway walls except for the trim. I woke up to find that she used this extra time to paint another hallway |banghead|

Debating if I should go back to bed until she gets up at 7. Either way, Open House is at 1, so we have to pack up the dogs & my mom and head to my stepdaughter's house for a couple hours. Probably work after that as |bow| Ramster's been keeping me busy |thumb

Enjoy your Sunday Funday!!

jollyhumper 2018-02-18 07:21 AM

Morning |waves|

Had a quiet weekend. Done almost nothing.
(Updated Pitstop and Smiling though)

Today is band-practice and AA. Then todays update.
I kinda like my life boring like this

Have a great day.
GL to Greenie and his Madam.


Ramster 2018-02-18 10:56 AM

Happy Sunday :)

Work for the most part today for me which is what I did all day yesterday and into the evening.

Arguing with gun owners has to be the most useless thing known to man kind. I commented that a ban on the AR 15 would make it harder to get and use in mass shootings and he argued banning drugs didn't make it harder to get drugs. I'm like what? |crazy|
Banning drugs means I can't go to Walmart and buy them. It means I need to "know someone" to buy cocaine and heroin, which I wouldn't even know where to start lol. How can you argue banning the AR 15 wouldn't make it harder to buy? So a 20 year old would know where to buy an AR 15 on the "streets"? |huh

You just have to shake your head. |loony|

Greenguy 2018-02-18 11:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Ramster (Post 550131)
It means I need to "know someone" to buy cocaine...

PM me |thumb

On this topic, my friend shared this yesterday:

My comment:

Abortions are legal is the fetus is not viable. I'm pretty sure all the kids this meme mentions were viable.
(Not arguing for or against abortions or guns, just pointing out the error in this meme)
Well, that started a shitstorm. I kept telling them that under the current US laws, murder is illegal & abortions are legal, therefore abortions are not murder. The one guy must've been on a college debate team, because he kept saying I was "retarded"|lol|

jollyhumper 2018-02-18 11:57 AM

Read some senator pulled the Video-game card.
It's not the gun, it's the violent games.

What about the gazillion of murders you've seen on telly since you were a kid?
That didn't affect you, but a game did?
(I'll blame the tits on the paychannel. Those make mass murders)

Glad to see you're on the right side on this :-)


JustRobert 2018-02-18 12:33 PM

Good Morning :)

Ahhh, the gun debate. My argument is that if you need an AR15 to hunt then you should take up another hobby because you probably suck at shooting. If you need to protect your family a shotgun/handgun is all you need. If you are worried about a bad government do you honestly think that an AR15 is going to protect you when the government has drones?

The ones that "usually" seem to fight for the right to own AR15's never served in the military but believe they are soldiers that could of saved the day. Like Sean fucking Hannity who thought if he was in Vegas or San Bernadino with his gun he could of saved the day because he was trained by his parents who just so happened to be friends with police enforcement, moron!

All this shit makes me wish I moved to Canada 10 years ago when we were thinking about it. Then again, shoveling all that snow seems like such a waste of time that could be spent doing other things. Like we've been driving with the convertible top down the past week and it's been nice :)

Anyhoo, I should do a little more work before setting up the house for a party.

Enjoy your Sunday Sunday Sunday!

Pagan 2018-02-18 06:07 PM

And you wonder why I am glad to be away from all this BS living safely in Finland? Guns are difficult to get but people do get their hands on them. The weapon of choice here until recently has always been the knife. Now it is the car, as in driving through groups of pedestrians. Trucks have been used elsewhere in the EU and UK.

Mine is a bit smaller this this one. We all seem to have them, and a few use them. Would I ever use one on another creature? No, unless my life totally depended on it. But then I still respect life. The knife by itself won't harm anyone. That takes a human being to pick it up and use it. That gun is the same way. If every single gun in the US was picked up right now and destroyed, people would resort to a different weapon, like they do here in Europe.

ArtWilliams 2018-02-18 06:48 PM

Like Ramster said said, in Canada I wouldn't know how to get a gun. Some people, especially in rural areas, own shotguns and rifles but there is a long drawn out process to own one. It's rare that you hear that someone owns a [legal] handgun. Mass shooting almost never happen. There seems to be a large part of America that is completely out of step with the rest of the western world with respect to public safety. It saddens me.

Ramster 2018-02-19 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by artwilliams (Post 550144)
Like Ramster said said, in Canada I wouldn't know how to get a gun. Some people, especially in rural areas, own shotguns and rifles but there is a long drawn out process to own one. It's rare that you hear that someone owns a [legal] handgun. Mass shooting almost never happen. There seems to be a large part of America that is completely out of step with the rest of the western world with respect to public safety. It saddens me.

Yes, they are still in 1776 |crazy|

God forbid you suggest to a gun owner in the US that in order to get a gun you have to wait a week to pick it up while security and other checks are done. No ban. No 2nd amendment rights violated. Just common sense. That's a possible solution rather than allowing some 19 year old to go to Walmart and walk out with a gun the same day.

You need to pass a test to get a drivers license, why not a gun? It's idiotic.

Greenguy 2018-02-19 10:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Just saw this Bernie Sanders Tweet from yesterday:
I'm kinda in the middle about guns (even though I've never even held one, let alone shoot one - and they do honestly give me the willies) but I've never thought about these guns like that.

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