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Old 2005-04-03, 05:20 AM   #22
WHO IS FONZY!?! Don't they teach you anything at school?
jmf000's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 43
Originally Posted by kinky
so some asshole is loading my sites in frames, using other peoples content to promote his "ukranian" ads and I should just let it happen because why? I don't care if it is russian, ukranian, or egyptian it is still the same thing.... THEFT did you go and look at the site? it is FULL of sites and galleries that I can assure you do not want to be there because the traffic is exactly as you said in your earlier post: worthless
You misunderstand what I said.
The most you can do is to report to your sponsor and they will take appropriate actions. I hope they know what to do. You can surely contact their hoster yourself.
I could advise you to block referring domains *.ua, *.ru etc in your .htaccess. You can even redirect such requests back to refering page and their surfers will be pissed from endless loops of iframing. But most of their surfers hide HTTP_REFERER via proxies or in clients.
Tearing through the iframe into main top frame will give you nothing but a bit more bandwith theft. I discouraged you to use that technics. And you are encouraged to contact every responsible person who hosts/registers/links those cheating sites either personaly or via your sponsor (which is more preferable).
Technicaly you can do almost nothing, unfortunately.
To see facts you need to have ideas.
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