Thread: Blogging 101
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Old 2005-04-05, 07:25 PM   #7
I like to blog :)
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Why Start A Blog Part The Second

why start a blog 2.0

One thing I forgot to mention above that's pretty important.

Most people seem to think blogs are simply a new TGP. A new way to deliver hosted galleries to consumers each day.

While some blogs that are like this are very popular, they're not really blogs. They're still at the base TGP's.

When you design a blog to look and work like this, most times, you'll have been better off simply creating a new TGP to work with.

A weblog is meant to be read. I cant read photos. I cant read pictures. These are Phoblogs, or Picblogs, not weblogs. If you want to share photos go make a flikr.

If you want to write about things, talk about things, share conversation with your surfers... this is why you should start a blog.

If you're just looking for another place to create links to your penis pills and hosted gallery sites then you're not going to do very well.

The search engines are learning that blogs grow organically if they're worth anything. Links create themselves every day from message boards to other blogs when you've created valuable content. who is going to link to your blog entry about a hosted gallery, rather than the gallery itself?

Who wants to share your excelent article that's nothing but a link to some breast enhancement creams?

There are two people who get into blogging.

There are good writers who are capable of creating good content that people like to read. Eros blog. Fleshbot. Perhaps even myself.

Then there are those folks who know nothing other than writing ad copy about their sponsors. They often do miserably poor in the blogging field.

If this is the person you are, or this is the kind of blog you want to create, chances are your time is best invested elsewhere. You may make b-list but you'll find a-list forever out of your grasp.

Put that same effort into a CJ script though I'm sure you'll be seeing 6 figure traffic within a month.
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