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Old 2005-05-14, 12:49 AM   #123
WHO IS FONZY!?! Don't they teach you anything at school?
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: London
Posts: 48
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Hello everyone

Hi guys, Im not exactly new here, but I havent been around for a while. The reason being, last year, I intervened a dispute between three or four guys who were beating a woman and got my head kicked in pretty bad. Luckily the woman escaped unhurt, but I was pretty bad, suffering brain clots and brain damage. I have been in hospital for a heck of a long time and despite dying twice (yes you heard me right) I am back here and enjoying life.
Im pleased to say I am on the mend, but having to learn everything again that I learnt in the last two years.

I work with Gunncat at Bizzoworld who I have to say is the most brilliant guy I have ever had the pleasure to work with. He has helped me immensly and been so patient with me as I do have trouble with a lot of simple things.
It his trust that has given me a new lease of life and I am currently working with Gunncat on our bizzotgp and a new Bizzocash affiliate program which I am really excited about.

Im sorry to go on, but I just wanted to re-introduce myself to you all and to wish you all a very prosperous year and above all, never take anything for granted. Live life and enjoy it. Its the most precious thing we have.
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