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Old 2005-06-01, 01:32 PM   #64
Took the hint.
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Wesley, while it is true that this will more directly cull from the US webmasters, you have to understand that there is also a trickel down effect.

If sponsors stop giving out free content, many of the "new" webmasters in other countries will be forced to invest to be in business. Many of them won't have the money to buy content, and as a result, won't get into the business to start with. It might also change the way new affiliates are signed up, possibly making some programs close for new affiliates or otherwise limiting their exposure in some countries.

It also means that all those webmasters from "those" countries who have been hiding under US po boxes and whatnot will either have to declare themselves as american and be compliant or declare themselves as "other" and get kicked out of programs.

Changing the rules of the same, no matter how many players are directly affected will in the end touch everyone in the game. How much, where, and when is still subject for discussion.

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