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Old 2005-06-29, 11:22 AM   #2
Verbal prefers 56K
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From his site:

"The following is a list if some of Gary's recent and more well known predictions. All facts are verifiable and documented either in print or on radio tape.

Train Wreck in Madrid, Spain
On Gary's 2004 list of predictions, (sent to all forms of media) Gary predicted that there will be a train wreck in March. On March 11, 2004, a series of co-ordinated bomb attacks on Madrid's commuter train system killed at least 186 people and wounded over 1000.

Justin Timberlake/Janet Jackson Scandel
In early January of 2004, Gary predicted on Lara Scott's weekly music countdown show called "The World Chart Show" that Justin Timberlake would get into a scandel involving sexual content. Lara asked Gary if it was a sex tape, but Gary said, "It's not quite like that but there's some sort of a little scandel..." On February 1st, at this years Super Bowl XXXVIII, Justin Timberlake pulled off the front of Janet Jacksons shirt exposing her right breast for everyone to see, resulting in what he later called, "a wardrobe malfunction".

Renee Zellweger Wins an Oscar
Gary predicted on Portland Oregon's AM Northwest that Renee Zellweger would take home Oscar gold for her performance in Cold Mountain. On Sunday, February 29, 2004, Renee won the Oscar for Best Actress in a supporting role for her performance as Ruby Thewes in the movie Cold Mountain.

Rush Limbaugh Scandel
Early in 2003 Gary appeared on the ManCow radio show and predicted that Rush Limbaugh would go through an embarrassing scandal. Later in the year Rush Limbaugh left his show to attend a 30 day stay at a rehabilitation center to battle his addiction to pain pills which was uncovered when a former housekeeper of Limbaugh's told the media she used to get pills for him.

Laci Peterson's Body Found
On March 5th, while helping Dennis Rocha (the father of Laci Peterson) in a channeling session to try to find the bodies of Laci and her baby, Gary had a vision that "both bodies will be found around the edge…in a bay…near a park where they park boat trailers…with a city across the water". On April 14th, the bodies of Laci Peterson and her baby were found around the edge of the San Francisco Bay. The bodies had washed ashore near the town marina park in Richmond, a town directly across the bay from San Francisco.

Sept 11th Terrorist Attacks
In November of 1999 Gary started having visions of New York being engulfed in black smoke from a downward-like explosion, caused by terrorists,leaving thousands of people dead. Gary said it would happen in the third quarter of 2001.He stated this on numerous radio shows most notably "The Morning Zoo"in Las Vegas.
September 11, 2001 Terrorists flew two commercial airliners into the World Trade Center buildings in New York City, bringing both buildings to the ground, and killing thousands of people.

Bill Clinton Scandal
In December of 1997 Gary predicted in the New York Post that Bill Clinton would be caught red handed with his fate left in the hands of an assistant. On January 17th of 1998, the world learned all the intimate details of the relationship between Clinton and his White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Everything from the tie she gave him to her semen-stained blue dress ended up in the infamous Starr report."

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