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Old 2005-06-30, 12:41 PM   #4
a.k.a. Sparky
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Our neighbor had one -- the 9 year old girl said, 'Daddy, there's a black widow spider in the garage' -- Daddy said, 'Oh come on, there is not.... oh.. it is.'

When we were on vacation in Key West, we saw a 'dead' scorpion -- so, being the inquisitive person I am, I took the hotel card-key and touched it and it zipped across the floor. It was obviously not dead.

Originally Posted by Predator Embellishment
I picked it up in my hand and crushed it and with my infrared vision watched its silouette fade away into blackness.
So far though, we've seen lots of lizards -- I'm pretty good at catching them now and don't need to throw a towel over them to catch them anymore. Those legless lizards that look like little snakes are pretty quick too. Haven't seen any pygmy rattlesnakes or black widows.

We did have a wolf-spider invasion -- had a really huge one that looked sort of fuzzy until I whacked it and about 30 little baby spiders exploded onto the surrounding floor.
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