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Old 2005-06-30, 01:24 PM   #8
Torn Rose
"Faith is believing what you know ain't so." ~ Mark Twain
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Originally Posted by Simon
Welcome to the Sunshine /Iguanas /Frogs /Crabs /BigSpiders /Scorpions /Snakes /TonsOfMosquitos State!

Not sure about how many scorpions you'll find in Melbourne but the chickens in Key West sort of keep them in control. Otherwise they'd be everywhere. I tried getting one of those little portable black lights and looking around outside at night. I was amazed how many of those suckers we have down here.

By the way, scorpions do that same "tons of babies on momma's back" trick. I had one of the window curtain just inches from my face when I turned around in my chair. I looked closer and it wasn't one at all...momma's back was full of baby scorpions.

Nice, I didn’t realize that the chickens would eat the scorpions; I always did love walking around Key West and having the chickens and cats everywhere, I knew they kept the lizard population down, but not the scorpions.

I did know that about scorpions and the young on their back, the mother will reach back and grab a few and eat them, so out of the 50 or so only 10 will survive long enough to get off momma. The black scorpion that is most commonly seen in movies is also the most common pets since they are the least poisonous. A pet store I went to had gotten 2 scorpions to see if they would sell and the next day she was covered in “maggots” until he realized what it was. Just imagine a deep dark black scorpion about 8” long covered but the palest white crawling all around… it was NASTY!
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