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Old 2005-07-31, 12:29 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by juggernaut
Cars are only status symbols for men lol we could care less if a hot girl is riding a Yugo. lol.
I sold my 85 Jag a couple of years ago and I miss that car dearly. With as much bad shit you hear about Jaguars, that car ran and performed really well. It was one of those cars that turned the heads of 40+ year old men, not beautiful women. But I've never bought a car with that in mind, even I am not that shallow. I just always loved the curvacious body of the 83-87 Jags. Once it becomes more financially reasonable, I'll get another one. It's not the type of used car you can drive or maintain cheaply.

I was always embarassed by the things I had and even more by the things that I didn't have. That's just part of being raised poor in America. I don't think other cultures concern themselves with 'stuff' the way we do here. Anyway, a few years ago, the wife and I started becoming more social, and it dawned on me that people didn't care what we had or didn't have. They just liked who we were as people. (The fact that we are willing to expose ourselves on occasion doesn't seem to hurt either.)
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