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Old 2005-08-21, 05:55 AM   #9
No offence Apu, but when they were handing out religions you must have been out taking a whizz
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Originally Posted by RawAlex
It is very hard to justify a site that encourages and panders to would be or wannabe rapists.
Where have I said I like the site or am seeking to defend porn that pushes "assault" as sexy? Just because I disagree with Susanna's own brand of angry finger-pointing rants doesn't mean that I'm defending rape. (Yet again, why is this discussion all "you're either rabidly against it or your a basically a rapist"?) I have repeatedly stated that I disagree with the site and that I think as it stands now, it caters to shitty people and encourages shitty behavior. I'm not "justifying" copy that tells men that raping sleeping women is hot, I don't get where you read that in my posts.

The positive two cents I'm offering in terms of the site has been about changing the copy and the theme. I could say, "Rage Cash should smash all their hard drives and run away in shame. We should go burn their offices." Since I imagine that the company put a lot of money into making their sites, I figured I'd make the suggestion that the they could rework the site and make something better out of it.

I don't have a problem with role play and kink when clearly presented as role play. Arguing that fantasy force or domination role play is the same thing as rape is incredibly insulting to any one who has actually been raped. As a rational adult, when presented with entertainment which is packaged as fiction, I understand that it is not a guide for action. A movie I watched recently involved a jilted lover killing his ex, but does that mean I'm a misogynist who advocates shooting women who leave you?

Are you really saying that two consenting adults engaging in role play or BDSM in porn is on the same level as CP or actual rape? Just this morning I engaged in some naughty talk while fucking my boyfriend, I guess I'm as bad as people who rape children.
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