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Old 2006-01-26, 01:51 PM   #16
Are you sure you're an accredited and honored pornographer?
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 65
Originally Posted by ecchi
Running free sites on free hosts is not going to work. The majority of link lists won't list sites on free hosts, and there are not enough that do to get you the traffic you need to make more than a few cents.

As to how many you need to make, well that depends on how much you want to earn. Most of the big sites limit you to one submission a day, so one site a day is a good target to aim for. But if this is in addition to TGP galleries, you may not have enough time to do that until you have a goodly number of templates created.

I have posted these links before, but as you are new:
Other ways to get traffic:

Getting good search engine traffic:

Tool for posting to search engines:

However do be aware that site has not been updated in a couple of years, and if you go to the main index ( you are going to find a few things are out of date (for example it talks about getting a TGP on a free host listed on link lists, which was fine when the article was written, but nowadays most link lists won't list sites on free hosts).

Then I suggest you learn. It will take you a weekend to learn HTML and if you are writing your code yourself you will find you can do a lot more and make a lot more money if you know HTML.

And although you don't need to know any type of CGI programming for free sites and TGP galleries, you will do if you want to go even further. So if you have time I suggest you also learn Perl. It will take you a weekend to learn the basics, but several weekends to learn as much as you need to know to write really good CGI programs.
Great infos! Thanks a lot!
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