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Old 2006-02-25, 02:59 AM   #26
Mr Exotic
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I struggled with smoking for a long time, I quit a couple times for 3-6 months but always found myself going back to it. Then I realized that at least for me smoking is like any other kind of drug addiction (kinda like alcohol) a little doesnt seem to hurt ya, but when it gets control of you and you are just smoking to smoke then thats when it starts fucking you up. To me the key to conquering my tabacco addiction was not totally cutting myself off but allowing myself to indulge once in a while, when I cut myself completely off I always would ultimately go back to doing it full time again. I havent had my own pack of cigarettes in well over a year. I probably average maybe 1 cigarette a day, some days I might have 3 or 4 and sometimes I go a whole week without any, its just a matter of having control over the situation. Ya getting thru the physical nicotine addiction part is the hardest, but after a few weeks that goes a way (I quit for more than a couple weeks multiple times), but what ultimately would bring me back in is missing the enjoyment of lighting one up and actually enjoying it. Now when I smoke I smoke for pure pleasure not because I have to have it or I am gonna kill someone, hahah. Now when I do have a smoke I enjoy it more than I ever did when I was a full time smoker, I dont hack my lungs up in the morning, I am not short of breath, and I dont feel like shit like I used from smoking over a pack a day. And beleive it or not what I learned from my smoking experiment I did to myself has kind of turned into my new philosphy on life. After I quit playing sports in my mid to late teens and then became a webmaster I let myself become a fat ass, I have applied that same attitude towards my eating habits and have lost almost 70 pounds in the last 6-7 months, I havent been at my current weight since I was like 14 years old. Most recently I have applied the take control philosophy on my business. I got to the point where I was making enough to live off of working maybe 10 hours a month and I became complacent because it became just too easy to not work and make a livable wage. So I took control over my work habits and I have worked more in the last month to month and half than I probably did the previous 2 years, haha.

Now I am not saying this will work for everyone, for most it is probably a bad idea, I guess I am weird, I dont know anyone else that has done it the way I do it, my mom and dad keep asking me if I am crazy because they dont know how I do it. My dad smoked his whole life and quit when I was around 10-12 years old, and he says if he let himself have one he would be to the store buying a carton that night. To each his own, different strokes for different folks, guess what it all boils down to is having control over the situation.
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