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Old 2006-03-03, 03:22 AM   #9
Greenguy & Jim's Unofficial Board Lawyer
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I got audited. I had my records in order, and after all that time and effort spent examining me the IRS wanted an extra $50. I almost laughed when I paid it--and they haven't been back since.
I have my taxes prepared by an outside preparer and I give her everything so I have an honest return. I have no fear of audits anymore-bring 'em on!!! Once they check you and see that you have a honest set of books, they won't be back for a long time unless you start making big donations to the Democratic Party or buy stock for any company that competes with Halliburton.

As far as the business plan goes, there are going to be differences between online and on main street. Make sure you take into account all the extra variables and need for flexibility in a web based business.
Chad Belville, Esq.
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