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Old 2006-03-07, 11:10 PM   #1
Are you sure this is the Sci-Fi Convention? It's full of nerds!
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A refutation of the cheaters modus operandi

hello cheaters. I know there will be, statistically speaking, some cheaters, or soon to be exiled webmasters that will inevitably read this post; let it be said here and now, that there is a distinct poissibility of your MO working for a limited time, that is until, you are caught and blacklisted from the webmaster book of the living, and cast out into the lake of burning fire where your torments rise forever form the darkness.

Good luck. You'll definitely need it. Some of the individuals you are up against have been around since the goddamn cambrian explosion of the internet and have lived and breathed the net porn industry for 10+ years, which predisposes them toward knowing every trick in the book you can think of, and if they don't know it , I 'm sure they are open to learning.In fact since you're here and I have a moment of your time, why not UTFSE(use the fucking search engine) and discover, much to your amazement that there are many who have gone before you and failed miserably, what in the hell makes you think you will succeed?

Why not do away with the tricks and join in the festivities. There is a great deal of money to be made, and being a straightshooter will get you alot more of it than being a scamming prick.

Mods, I thought that a public service announcement of this type would be best suited to the caught cheaters forum, if it should cause the gods that be |Jim displeasure I will remove it immidiately.

Last edited by karomesis; 2006-03-07 at 11:14 PM..
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