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Old 2006-03-26, 07:40 AM   #9
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While we didn't get hit as bad as Mississippi and Louisiana, I can tell you that the balls have been dropped down here in Florida's Keys too. About the only 'affordable housing' for the entire service industry here is mobile homes, or at best, a very small, ground level, 'conch style' rental house. Anything ground level was flooded with several feet of water. Probably half the people in those kinds of places lost their homes. There's not enough vacant land to put new trailers for everyone, and most places have still not been rebuilt. Lots of people have left, and more are leaving almost every day.

If I didn't know better, I'd think it was a plan to get the middle and lower class out so they can continue developing these islands as a haven only for the wealthy. But...they wouldn't really do that... would they?
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