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Old 2006-04-06, 09:24 AM   #12
If you don’t take a chance the Angels won’t dance
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Originally Posted by glowlite
Hi Alex, I'm glad you started this thread.


Seems like the def of "blog" has not been defined very well. That would seem to be the best starting point. So far this thread contains more talk about spam logs than true blogs.

The fact is this: Active surfers will not deviate from the basic structure of "blogs". Believe it or not, surfers do alot of things beside shop for porn. If a link list promotes "blogs" it better damned well be a blog. Not a "billboard" for advertising. It needs to be interactive and current within the surfers eyes and opinions.

Porn slingers will not change the world of blogging. Adult blog WMs will adhere to standard blogging conventions, or fail. As it now stands, adult "blogs" will grow at the expense of other adult venues. i.e. A sale made on your blog is one less sale made on your flat mundane sling site. Net gain for WMs? - zero.

As a surfer, if I clicked on a so called "blog" link, and was spammed with nothing but 'buy me, buy me, buy me', I would shit-can the "blog" and I would shit-can the link list that supplied the initial link.

If you list blogs(cat) then they should be true blogs. If you list spam-logs then they should be listed as spam-logs. Don't attempt to redefine the term "blog". As strong as you may think adult marketing is, it is not stronger than the current blogging trend. In this case, your personal 'link list rules' don't really matter. Either jump on this fast train or jump away. Link list owners are not in the position to dictate to 150 million surfers per day.

Would I want to post my adult blog on a link list that counted photos like Natalie mentioned? NO fucking way! Blog owner rules prevail here, not link list owner rules. If you qualify you may list my blog. Depending on the traffic you send (raw) I may, or may not, grant a recip link.

As I said earlier, this is said In My Humble Opinion.

later .............
Have you been taking classes in business relations? If you have I would ask for my money back.

Surfn's Links Are you a partner?

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