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Old 2006-04-22, 03:32 AM   #5
Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 96
If wishes were horses then beggars would ride.

We have to live with what is, cos the scrapping of free content ain't gonna happen this side of the next millenium. There will always be people who will pay for more. Porn is like any drug, it's addictive, people get used to what is and want better. We should concentrate on selling what free content doesn't give you, what a good paysite, webcam service, dating site, vod service will give you. Sell what the surfer can't get from a TGP. Sell one girl amateur sites with webcam shows, sell mega sites will 1000Gb of video.

Either that, or decide it's all to hard and give up.

As for the industry changing to be like the movie studios? Well the movie studios will soon feel the bite as bandwidth gets faster, people can copy DVDs, look what happened to the music industry? That had to change to be more like the web, not the other way around.

My 2 cents.
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