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Old 2006-05-11, 07:04 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Greenguy
No, I think he's speaking about things that you can do yourself.

I am a bit of a hypocrite about this, because I do have reviewers & I can review myself, but I can make more money doing other things & paying the reviewers.

I'm also doing work for other people that I know they can do on their own, but for whatever reason, they outsourced it to me, which is fine.

Of course, neither of those things brought in 10 times my original revenue either

How many people remember the mess that was Adult Buffet after James(?) left for a 3 month vacation? Every time I think about not doing it myself, I think of that.

Personally. I'd like to hear Jim's opinion on things.
I know you would like to hear my opinion on this. As I told you, I am not sure if I was asked by our mutual friend not to mention it or not. So, I will do it without using too many details.

There really is no reason to do much work at all in this business. All you really have to do is to convince a major linklist owner first, that you have many more connections than they do. And, that it would be in his or her best interest to turn over all preselling of advertising and all monies from that linklist to you. And then after avoiding phone calls for several months, and after finally being hunted down, you give that linklist owner a tiny percentage of what is rightfully due to him or her. Thinking back Mark, you know what I mean, right?

The best way to stay in this business by taking their money is to swindle someone so bad that they are embarrassed to bring it to the public eye.

Or I could be a complete idiot and you should just flame the shit out of this thread.
Probably the only thing you said that people who know you would believe you said without some sort of agenda behind it.
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