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Old 2006-05-29, 08:40 PM   #17
Internet! Is that thing still around?
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 4
Originally Posted by DangerDave

What do you expect people to say??...

You steal from us, infringe our copyrights, infringe our trademarks, and you expect us to "be nice" to you..

Last time I was burgled, I didnt ring the guy who stole my VCR and say "Give it back and I will be you best friend"

I wanted to strangle the living shit out of the fuckwit who invaded my home, stole my hard-earned goods, and placed his self-importance above me.

So if you expect your 'colleagues' to treat you with respect, you need to treat us with respect, and not steal from us.

My advice to you is to remove ALL those keywords and subdomains now! That means NOW!

The next action I take will be issuing trademark infringement notices, to you , your host, and possibly a DMCA notice to Google as well. These things will do far more damage to you than any advantage you may have gained in the search engines.

So the 'ball is in your court'.... Take the right action now and get back to doing some legitimate work..

You know what DangerDave, at least one who has the sense to talk to others as a human being. is not my living. It is a hobby. Something to do when there is nothing to do. I don't hang out at the boards day and night; I don’t try to live of it. It pays for itself and great, so as far as stealing from you all, back the fuck off, this site gets the best of 5-10K uniques a day on a reaaaally good day...
As for taking the keywords, I take it down, actually already done that. But not cause you try to scare me with the notices and shit we both know it is a load of horseshit (there isn't much you can do in this case), but because I am just a nice guy who doesn't like to piss of people without a reason.

Take care...
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