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Old 2006-05-30, 12:49 AM   #21
Internet! Is that thing still around?
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 4
Originally Posted by MrYum
But wait...there's more! You were also targetting absolutely fucking scum of the earth keywords. Traffic levels are really irrelevant, what you were doing with your little hobby is some of the worst possible shit you could be doing in this business.
I have no idea how that shit came about.
I had a landing page that read the sub domain and changed the title and some of the keywords based on what the sub domain was.

You may call it spamming, I call it innovative use of search engines, but whatever. I never personally posted any illegal keywords in my site, ever. What happened, though, was that sometimes last year, I had the sub-domain names generated based on the 1000 latest keyword searches that people made on the site. I became scary how many perverts out there looking for something they should be shot for even thinking of... I even had a big message in red on the tgp-king for a while which told every one coming in with intend to find something under the legal age, to go and fuck themselves, and not only that, I actually had their IP addresses mailed to the FBI, for a while. There were hundreds of those every day... I had to take it down, cause it was producing too much of that shit.

Anyway, I don't wanna bore you with my "amateur" blabbering any longer, however I would appreciate if somone took this post down altogether.

I took down that stuff I had on my site however questionable is the legitimacy of it was, now it is your turn to show some class maybe.
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