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Old 2006-06-04, 02:54 PM   #7
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I can't stand my bank. I have been with them for 15 years with the same account. Never once rubbered a check and have paid off 3 loans with them all over 10k. Don't use their online banking other then to look over my statement and balance the check book. Which I might add is always off because of the times they post to the web. 12 noon? WTF is that. Anyway long story short, let the wife on the account to write checks (MISTAKE) bounced a check. They wanted to charge me $50 for the bounce and another 50$ for covering one of my checks. I hit the roof, got a manager in the local branch and yelled so everyone could here. I took my wife off the account and was filling out the paperwork to close all my accounts with them when the manger decided to wave all the fines. I stayed like an ass. Once I get into the new house I'm changing banks. They just suck. With interest rates I sometimes think it's better to keep it in the safe in the house and just use cash for everything.
Jim I understand about the credit rating thing and If I were you I would head over to check your fico online. I used them before I bought the house. I buy one every year and always find a problem on it. My score is very high and has been so for 15 years. But there was a time when I was revolving debt and that hurt me 20 points. I went nuts and fixed it the next 6. I would not care why the bank no longer wants to do business, fuck em. But check that fico..
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