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Old 2004-01-02, 10:37 AM   #4
You can now put whatever you want in this space :)
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Join Date: Aug 2003
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Funny, we just talked about flying cars last night. They promised us that we have flying cars after 2000.

I tried to find one old book I remember I bought at the 70's that told us what earth is going to be at 2000, but I can't find it. It probably has vanished somewhere, or someone has "loaned" it long time ago.

At 80's I used to throw parties. I had all kinds of good and expensive alcohol in my home, lots of it, hundreds of bottles, and people always "loaned" them. When I asked them back, they claim they haven't taken them. So I stopped throwing parties.

When flying cars come they must be like in sci-fi stories. You just told the car where you wanna go and it flies there. No matter if you're drunk or sober. The car will drive, and it won't crash anywhere.
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