Thread: Hello Thursday!
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Old 2006-06-22, 09:46 AM   #16
Subversive filth of the hedonistic decadent West
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I have a totally unproductive day planned for today. It isn't that I want to have a totally unproductive day but Dish Network is making it that way for me today.

Spent a good part of yesterday first waiting for Dish Network to show up and then when they did I watched them replace every part of my neighbor's Dish Network network except the actually dish. They even tried running a new line down from the dish to the receiver but nothing fixed the issue. It seems that he has some special high end dish that is not carried on their trucks so after wasting most of yesterday replacing bits and pieces of his setup they decided to return today with a replacement dish. I guess if that doesn't fix it they will be launching a new satellite just for my neighbor so that he can watch his special porn that only some special dish can receive. Actually he needs this special dish because he gets all the Brazilian stations to keep his Brazilian hookers happy. I don't know… I'm very happy with DirecTV but then I don't watch porn or have any Brazilian hookers.

Besides house sitting I don't have anything else planned.
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