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Old 2007-01-03, 11:38 PM   #15
Chop Smith
Eighteen 'til I Die
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Juggernaut, you were doing okay until you started giving advise about taxes. Best to leave that to a paid CPA type and stick to webmastering here. Hell, you would get someone locked up for fraud.

Assuming that the domain has to be hosted on the program's server do you think that the 5% is enough? If it is not hosted by the program then it would appear to me that CCbill/Visa would see that it was a work around.

Speaking of trust! IMO, the friend that they choose and the partners in their venture need to be straight up with CCBill/Visa. They could end up out of business for lack of any processing.

It is obvious that Teela needs a partner in other areas but this young lady has great protential and does not need to accept bad advice and gamble with her future. I am sure some of you young bucks would be willing to invest a few thousand to get her off the ground.

BTW, I would not stake my name, deal with ccbill as if it was my site, manage an affiliate progam including sending out a newletter for 5%. Not knowing what the gross is, it is too much risk for so little take. But what would I know?

Last edited by Chop Smith; 2007-01-03 at 11:44 PM..
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