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Old 2007-01-04, 04:24 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by TightTeela View Post
strickly oral, no ass tapping
TT reminds me of an old WM joke:

Q: How do you know when you're truly an adult webmaster?
A: When you see a pretty girl and your first thought is "I wonder how well she'll convert?"

Seriously though alot of good info here but I'd add to some of the contrary points.

For example Raven Riley, besides being sexy as hell, blewup like she did becasue of brilliant, constant marketing and tons of promo options by JayMan.

I think TT needs to assess what she wants to be. If she wants to be a star signing autographs she's gonna have to partner up and do it smartly and quick while she's fresh. Do what you know and what is relatively easy... making porn. Leave the tech and biz bullshit to the pros (defined as someone/company already making sig $$$). Always own everythig that is you. License it, don't sell it.... even to your own company.

If you want to just make some mad money and have some fun and see what happens then like what was said you have to at least get chargecard processing (hell I'll give the $750 for a piece of the action whithout thought ),ccbill, tons of galleries and banners and go to work 85 hours a week (you gotta promote) run your site, and make porn, probably work on member interaction, and deal with bitchy affiliates. Either way you need a partner or employee (s) or sub-contractors to take some of the slack off. Maybe that's traffic development or site design. Constant tweaking shit everywhere. Oh yeah, you've gotta have investment money to front end.

A lot about porn seems to be about "fresh". You have it. I think you should continue to build your own traffic and memberships AND be contacting some of the solo girl programs to develop their interest. Use your present numbers to project future earnings, understand the math and begin some negotiations. It may take you a year to cut a deal or pick the sponsor you like. Invite offers to join a program now, there's a lot of solo girl aggregates out there. I'd be surprised if you haven't already received several PM's. Final advice, have a great lawyer, or a bad one that will do what you tell them.
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