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Old 2007-02-21, 11:31 AM   #5
Mr Exotic
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Most the traffic brokering services I see nowadays are from the blind CJ TGPs, that are run thru various scripts, and probably involves a traffic script. The only reason anyone would buy that traffic, IMO, would be to start a new CJ TGP or to give one a big boost after a redesign. I used to run all kinds of those CJ TGP traffic trading sites and I bought a traffic from brokers numerous times. Sometimes I bought from "official" brokers like Choker, or I bought clicks directly from an already established big site that had a bunch of extra clicks to sale. I guess either way the traffic is coming from clicks that come from a blind link TGP.

The theory is to make and design a site that is gonna get good clicks to your trades, but you gotta have traffic to get your new trades started. So when someone is going to start a site like this they put up a design that they think will be good, buy some clicks from a broker, and then sign up to as many trades that look similar to their new site. How I used to do it, I would buy like 50k clicks which usually would cost 250-350$, then slowly start having the clicks come in, if my design was working I would up the traffic feed, if it wasnt I would tweak it until it did work. Once I got a good click % then I would start feeding the site with 1000 clicks an hour and that would really get the ball rolling with your new trades you just signed up with. And if everything went just right the traffic would stabilize itself after the feed stopped.
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