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Old 2007-02-25, 12:31 AM   #8
There's Xanax in my thurible!
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Originally Posted by Linkster View Post
...Now we're at the meat of my rant - the title on free sites - take a look at the bigger link lists - and make up a title that isnt already listed - for two good reasons - one - it only takes a second to make somthing up original and you will stand out from the other sites listed, and two - if you pick a good letter for starting you can be at the top of the rotation lists on certain days of the month
These are things that submitters did for years but seems to have fallen by the wayside for some reason - I guess a lot of submitters have gotten lazy
There ya go - Im cranky cause I just banned two submitters and removed 500 free sites - all because my damned quality control inspector for the link list had to give me my report today
First of all, my email account is down for the night so I have no idea if I was one of the unlucky submitters banned, but I'm hoping not.

Second, I was thinking about the title thing myself today. Say I want to build a pornstar freesite and get all I can out of the pornstar's first and last name. That's two words, it's real hard to make up a creative title using only one more word. A four word title would open up so much more possibilities and not just for pornstar sites, IMO.
NSCash * This Depraved World
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