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Old 2007-08-20, 07:30 PM   #2
Selling porn allows me to stay in a constant state of Bliss - ain't that a trip!
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I haven't done any of my own domains, but I've kinda looked over-the-shoulder as several were done over the years.

I've seen several types of responses - ranging from no response at all, to a form letter saying there was no penalty, to a form letter saying that google didn't discuss how to improve rankings and suggesting reading the webmaster guidelines.

As far as those experiences go, I've never been personally certain that the reinclusion request accomplished anything that wouldn't have happened naturally.

These experiences, however, were all in the period from 2001-2005. Supposedly the reinclusion desk is more actively staffed these days.

There was one reinclusion request in the last two years I know a bit about - the response was their form letter, saying they would look into the matter, and suggesting review of the webmaster guidelines, received back after about 14 days, if my memory serves. And no further communication after that, that I know of. It's not impossible there were other letters I wasn't told about.
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