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Old 2003-09-03, 07:48 PM   #15
Ahhh ... sweet pity. Where would my love life be without it?
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Australia
Posts: 207
As a parent I find it absolutely incredible that any parent would allow their child to be photographed like this, and even more incredible that they would allow these pics to be posted on an internet site which charges people to go and look at the pics.

Are they so totally ignorant of what is going on in the world around them? Who do they think is going to buy a subscription to a site full of scantily clad young girls.

The whole mentality of child models, beauty pagents and all of the other exploitative crap that goes on in America (having said that I am sure it goes on elsewhere, its just such a big thing in the states) makes me sick! Kids should be out playing, not posing and teasing like mini adults on catwalks and on websites.

(I came across one of these so called 'model' sites a couple of weeks ago, and by backing out of it ended up at some 'not so innocent' sites, all from European countries. I reported them to ASCAP and was told that whilst these sites were questionable they were not illegal in those countries and they couldnt touch them.
WTF!! )

So while governments are cracking down on pornography, there are thousands of these young kids being primped, preened, displayed and exploited under the guise of 'modelling' and 'beauty pagents'. Who is looking out for them?

I know I am preaching to the converted here, just needed to get it off my chest

Statistics compiled by the FBI and state and local police departments show more than 75 percent of those arrested on pedophilia or child sexual abuse charges in the last five years have visited Internet sites which features teen and pre-teen models.

Last edited by dallasdeb; 2003-09-03 at 08:27 PM..
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