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Old 2007-12-22, 02:50 PM   #50
Where there's a will, I want to be in it.
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What I could use is a simple (for someone else but me) Banner rotator script where I can pull banners based on size and niche : example - 468x60, MILF or 200x200, Amateur, etc. Any insite, wisdom would help greatly.
I assume you're trying to rotate ads on different spots on your sites(s), but you need the ads to fit the real estate.

OpenAds will do that for 'ya, although it's far from simple. You can set up you niches as "advertisers", set up your sponsors as "campaigns", then set up zones for each banner size. You do need MySQL running on your server, but most hosts have that. You can also set it up on one domains and serve ads on all your other domains from there. Best of all, it's free.

If you want to go that route I'll give you a hand setting it up. I'm running it on 4 different hosts so I know it fairly well.
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