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Old 2007-12-27, 03:10 PM   #63
Along for the ride and loving it.
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I have been watching this thread over the christmas period and have to say congratulations to everyone involved for a job well done. It's not very often that this level of expertise comes together to freely offer help across such a wide spectrum of projects and ideas but this has certainly helped out a lot of people.

I haven't added anything to the list of offers as just about every option has been covered but i am looking for help updating my htaccess to include a bot trap if anyone knows enough on the subject?
The trap should automatically identify attempts to access secure areas on the domain or multiple unnecessary hits and add the bad bot or crawler to the htaccess files ban list.

If anyone has knowledge of this, your help would be appreciated and i would be happy to let anyone else have a copy of the file once it's completed, tested and running safely. I do have a fairly extensive list of banned objects already but bear in mind, that what may be bad for one domain may not be the case for all of them and you should review the banned list before just adding it to your own domain.
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