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Old 2008-01-02, 11:22 PM   #11
T Pat
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Originally Posted by easymama View Post
Are you using AutoBlog? That's a cool ass plug in for WordPress...are you getting enough traffic to keep you interested in managing 168 blogs? that 168 domain names?
easymama I had a life altering experience at "On The Bench" on November 17th of last year Mr MarryLou and SheepGuy were discussing the AVS-Freesite-TGP Gallery business model. Chop Smith and I had spent most of one night in Las Vegas and many conversations followed talking about doing that exact business model.
After a whole bunch of "fuck me's I didn't follow through with it's". I decided to drop everything I was doing and buy content and start from scratch building AVS Sites, Free Sites and TGP galleries. That caused a whole bunch more "fuck me's" and tossing and turning in bed.
Then I took stock of what I had learned and done and where my focus has been for the last few years, what my strengths and weaknesses are. I had spent years beleaving blogs were here to stay and trying to put an aggregator together without being able to code a lick. I had tried starting up a bunch of blogs, guess what, can't write a lick either.
Then I came up with a plan rather than turning my nose up at sploggers I would join them, except I don't want to be just another splogger throwing shit against the wall, I want to be the best
I want webmasters to ask me to link to them rather than begging for link partners
anyway that's my dream/plan only time will tell if I'm wasting my time and should have bought content and started building AVS's, Free Sites and TGP Galleries.
I'm at just over 200 splogs, get a little more traffic everyday, will be at 1000 uniques a day by this weekend at the latest and as far as I can tell have made about $150 so far for a whole bunch of work.
Oh and hell no their not all individual domains, that would be a bunch of money to be throwing at a dream
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