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Old 2008-07-30, 09:49 PM   #13
Perverted Empress
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Finland
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I am going to echo the nudges towards blogging and story sites. You can use your main site as you have it now -- a hub, and direct people to it via links. My story site has been doing that for years, thanks to links from sites like Persian Kitty.

Blogging has an advantage in that you can use images from various paysite programs to illustrate your stories. You also have the power through software like Wordpress for RSS feeds. People subscribe to these feeds and get notified every time you update. Keeps them coming back for more.

WordPress isn't that hard to learn to use, and has a ton of features for you. You can easily add hard links back to your message board and other areas of your main website.

Will you ever get rich with this stuff? Probably not. Consider it art, and a happy day when it pays all its expenses and then some. Do not ever get discouraged! Whatever direction you go, build clean so that everyone can find your goodies. One small idea would be to turn the background on your link table black so that the text stands out more. Make sure your text is balanced - centered nicely in the cells.

All in all, a lovely unique site, and one that I will be anxious to watch grow.
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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