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Old 2008-08-05, 11:28 AM   #6
a.k.a. Sparky
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Your mirror sets a phpsessionid cookie, almost like session_start() is called early on. However, that isn't consistent. Its like out of every few that try to set a cookie, some do, some redirect to an index page which was quite broken. Regrettably I didn't look closely at the source code, and I can't get that page to show up again, but, it was a very blank page, with a search box -- until I reread your thread, I thought it was a simple hub listing.

Gut feeling is that you have something suspect on the page and it randomly tries to redirect. because it popped that one page once, and I was declining the cookies, I didn't think much about it, but, on the one attempt, it did try to set multiple cookies from your site -- each of which was a php session id. Firefox 3 here -- when the cookie was accepted, it seemed to make no difference in the display of the pages. The hub page that displayed is probably of some concern.

If you aren't intentionally setting the session, you might want to see if any of your pages have been modified recently with any odd php code that contains an eval(base64_decode('ab23bab5b blah blah')).
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