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Old 2008-08-29, 11:04 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Beaver Bob View Post
McSame (my friend) is trying to pander to the Hillary voters. Too bad she's the exact opposite of Hillary on just about every issue.
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner.
My wife and I were discussing that very thing this evening. The MILF is a woman, but she doesn't have the same modern woman ideals that Hillary does. Ideologically, she's like a really hot farmer's wife. Being anti-abortion and pro-guns probably won't fetch as many female voters as they hoped for.

Speaking of guns, does the average democrat care all that much about guns either way? I know that politicians like to repeatedly outlaw the same automatic weapons that have been illegal since 1929, but when is the last time anyone has proposed any real heavy anti-gun legislation with serious intentions of doing something? I heard Obama mention the importance of retaining the right to bear arms while getting AK-47s off the street last night. But that's only because he's never held one. They're really cool - and loud. (Yes, I'm one of those guys who doesn't want other people to have guns, but wouldn't mind a few myself. But just the cool ones.)
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