Thread: Pet Peeve Time
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Old 2008-09-17, 12:06 PM   #1
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Pet Peeve Time

I'm having a bit of a temper tantrum this morning, so that makes it a good time to get some shit off my chest that truly annoys about some submitters. I realize that not all reviewers will agree with me on the following points, but they don't work for me. This time would be better spent reviewing my ever-expanding backlog, but no, I need to be here lecturing on Free Site Submission 101.

Descriptions - I'm not looking for a great work of fiction nor do I care about the back story. All I want is this: DESCRIBE THE CONTENT. Yes, I take the word description rather literally. Now, I realize that you do need to go beyond "girl getting fucked" with reality sites, but don't go overboard with creative freedom. All you need is one simple line telling the surfer or the reviewer what is to be expected on your galleries. Also, never write a description in the first person even if you are the guy jacking off on the dead goat in the pics.

Unnecessary Line Breaks - Some of you either SUCK at copying and pasting your info on to the submission form or it's time for you to figure out how to use your submission software. I swear, I'm eventually going to have my script coded so that it scans for line breaks within the submitted data, dumps your submission, and emails you a large photo of Goatse for seven consecutive days.

Photo Quality - It isn't 2006 and it certainly the hell isn't 1996. Get with the times and optimize your thumbs and full sized photos so that they are clear. I NEED to list quality sites and galleries. Trust me, you aren't going to see a huge leap in bandwidth usage if you wake up and improve the quality of your photos to a point that I no longer feel like I'm looking at vintage porn that has been colorized. There is no excuse for grainy photos in a post 9-11 world. None.

Site Design - Why would you employ a hover effect on your links that makes your whole fucking page jiggle? Changing text color during hover is fine, but changing font-size, font-style or font-weight is ugly and goddamn annoying. CUT THAT SHIT OUT!

I'm seriously considering tossing out all of my rules on the mighty Perv and simply accepting what I like based on content originality, content quality, overall site design, and (YES!) recip grouping.
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