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Old 2008-11-10, 12:34 PM   #18
Mr Exotic
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Wife's brother cracked out for the 2nd time the last year and ended up in the mental hospital. Now they're saying he's bipolar, which I can see and always kind of thought, its just now that he's got a wife and kids (he was just a kid when me and my wife got together) it fucks things up terribly bad. Guess his new thing is no matter what his wife does she cant do it right, he calls her names like fat ass, says he cant even stand to see her naked, calls her names in front of people, just totally fucking ridiculous shit, before she had HIS baby she weighed 95, then got up to 140 being pregnant, and now weighs 120 and he is being a dick. He has always been like that though, can be the nicest person you ever talked to, or the shittiest most hateful dick ever, hence the bipolar suspicions I guess. But its just one hell of a big mess, he blames their mom for all his problems for cheating on their dad and fucking up his childhood, so then their mom gets all crazy upset, at the beginning of this episode him and their mom were put on suicide watch, they wouldnt even let their mom leave and she said nothing about suicide or anything, was just taking him to the funny farm before he hurt himself. I suppose everyone is haunted by their oen personal demons to some extent, but sometimes I know to me anyways it just seems like he doesnt like how his life has gone and just wants to drag everyone down with him. I'm glad that this time around my wife hasnt been acting too upset or stressed out over this ordeal like that previous times, I think her and her dad have reached the point where they think he's just gotta deal with his life and are sick of all the drama. The last thing Brandy needs to do is stress out over her brother when she is due to have our 3rd child in less than 6 weeks.

Hopefully I can get some work accomplished this week and not spend half the week attempting to be a plumber like I did last week.
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