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Old 2008-11-22, 04:05 PM   #11
Heh Heh Heh! Lisa! Vampires are make believe, just like elves and gremlins and eskimos!
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: East Bay, California
Posts: 77
thanks again for all of this. Yeah, that's the one thing I can't figure out is the money part. I've had a lot of fun figuring out how to build things and working on making things better, etc but that whole 'income' thing hasn't really registered because from day one, I haven't been able to figure out why anyone would buy a pass or join???? I mean sure there's the logical reason of getting the whole package or just making it easier and knowing exactly where to go but with sooooo much content out there, I'm not sure the average consumer would be satisfied with one membership even if it's a megapass???? I don't know. Just can't figure that one out...

As far as money out there in the world goes, I think the money any of us made a few years ago regardless of the industry is more or less gone. I don't think we'll be seeing those gravy days for a long time. When I look back a few years ago at what my husband and I were bringing in, I'm a little shocked. Everyone was overpaid but we became accustomed to it and it's not that we were buying homes we couldn't afford, or livin' large... it's that the home prices had over inflated just as the salaries did. And the cost of living in general had readjusted. So the salaries may have seemed big to the rest of the world, but out here, they were simply average and didn't exactly go a long way. It's a mess. It really is a mess. So no, I don't have delusions on that end of this but it has filled a space of time and kept me distracted. It has been like a giant puzzle and so I've enjoyed it. There REALLY IS a big gap between what women like, want, etc and what men like! This experiment continues to fascinate me.

Russia. Well, I lived and worked in Russia for a long time and I know the laws and I know the criminals. My paternal side of my family is Russian, I speak the language and it's all very close to my heart but I don't want them going anywhere near my site. Porn is illegal in Russia, which is a joke. It's beyond laughable this law. Yeah, porn is illegal but there are no laws against filming or photographing the underage. And I'm guessing Russia rationalized their mass trafficking of this crap as the rest of the world's problem... not theirs. In reality, it's not that hard to track some of these assholes but the Russian government will not cooperate. I used to have so much fun in Moscow but I can tell you that working in Russia is a bit like this . It's getting so bad over there with the dropping oil prices, Putin's obsession, etc.... But that's a whole other story! Layered Technologies is constantly being called out for their relationships to RBN and other known criminal orgs in Russia but it's likely that Layered is hardly the only company either working directly with or simply supplying a service to an unknown criminal entity. And yeah, China is right there with them and their intent is definitely malicious and much more ominous to our country as a whole. So I guess you could say that my blocking of IPs is more symbolic than anything. It doesn't really add up to anything.... just my own little personal protest.

Oy- well now I'm kind of bummed out But I'll be over it in a couple of minutes....
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