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Old 2008-11-23, 03:29 AM   #17
You can now put whatever you want in this space :)
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Your site looks nice Kisa but it's not a freesite in the way Linklists mean. Here's the thing, you need to bring in masses of traffic to your site to make sales, be them revshare or PPS. Targeted traffic is the name of the game in adult. Your site is fairly general, hardcore babe sort of site, which in my experience is a difficult niche to make sales in, if it can even be called a niche. You may want to explore other niches and focus on something more specific.

As for traffic, you can either start playing the SEO game, or try one of the established traffic sources such as Linklists and TGP's. There's a learning curve for both, but if you get it right, it does generate traffic right away (quality of that traffic is debatable though, especially with TGP).

Adult marketing can be profitable, but it does have a huge learning curve. Take your time and learn, learn, learn. Go over the newbie forum and dig up old threads from the past year or two - make yourself a large coffee and just take a few hours, or days, to do your homework.

Best of luck with it!
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